Translation for '
ahead of' from English to Bulgarian
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
- 248 winning percentage is the second-worst in the modern era and the second-worst in National League history (ahead of the 1899 Cleveland Spiders with a .130 winning percentage).
- On 26 January, one day ahead of the Red Army's arrival, crematorium V was blown up.
- Despite entering the LM 40 minutes ahead of schedule, they completed preparations only 10 minutes early due to numerous delays in the process.
- Less commonly used dyes include Cresol Red and Orange G which migrate ahead of bromophenol blue.
- 058 ahead of Negro league star Dave Brown's .738.
- However, Alberta is set to retire coal power by 2023, ahead of 2030 provincial deadline.
- The Red Sox won the newly realigned American League East in 1995, finishing seven games ahead of the Yankees.
- After 73 years of right-of-centre rule, the ecologist Pierre Hurmic (EELV) came in ahead of Nicolas Florian (LR/LaREM).
- games ahead of the Boston Red Sox, good enough to secure the #2 seed in the American League playoff bracket.
- The combined armies reached Orléans ahead of Attila, thus checking and turning back the Hunnish advance.
- The batter/runner can avoid an out and become a baserunner by reaching first base ahead of the throw.
- Azerbaijan had the biggest number of journalists imprisoned in Europe in 2015, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, and is the 5th most censored country in the world, ahead of Iran and China.
- so far ahead of its time that almost nobody—including Commodore's marketing department—could fully articulate what it was all about".
- The astronomical orientations of ancient monuments claimed by Reuter and his followers would place the ancient Germanic peoples ahead of the Ancient Near East in the field of astronomy, demonstrating the intellectual superiority of the "Aryans" (Indo-Europeans) over the Semites.
- For some of Netcraft's other stats Nginx is ahead of Apache.
- On 25 November 2021, it was announced that he would participate in series 13 of "Taskmaster". He finished in 4th place ahead of Judi Love.
- Main Cabin Extra seats include greater pitch than is available in main cabin, along with free alcoholic beverages and boarding one group ahead of main cabin.
- The men sing the "Mandalay Song", warning that love does not last forever, and urging those ahead of them to make it snappy.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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