 Translation for 'already' from English to Bulgarian
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already {adv}вече
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Translation for 'already' from English to Bulgarian

already {adv}
Usage Examples English
  • Another example, in this case propelled by speakers of the source language, is the English word "already."
  • The STAE found eight ballots in Balibo that had already been perforated before being issued, and in Metinaro a voter discovered several ballots that had already been marked.
  • First batches with 5000 of aid kits are already going to Sumy, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Mykolaiv.
  • Records from 1595 already report a populous Reformed community. From 1764, the Reformed already kept a register.
  • "Déjà rêvé" (from French, meaning "already dreamed") is the feeling of having already dreamed something that is currently being experienced.

  • Bangladesh Nationalist Party-BNP had already expressed their disinterest in the election, as they were already protesting for the resignation of the Hasina-led government.
  • As of March 2020 several medications were already approved for other uses or were already in advanced testing.
  • Puff is already working on her third studio album, already having a conceptual tracklist finalized consisting of 15 tracks.
  • 'Already', said my host. 'You have arrived already?
  • The existence of the secret pacts were already an open secret as the deals were already revealed in declassified U.S. files.

  • Guedes was sentenced an eight-month ban on 16 July 2020, but since he already had spent ten months without playing, his sentence was already served.
  • This exemption that would allow fire hydrants to continue under current previous lead guidelines is similar to the one already provided for shower valves.
  • Several of these advances have already made commercial impact, the offset launch technique for enhancing the bandwidth of optical fibre links having already been adopted within Gigabit Ethernet standard.
  • Before the Phaeton was discontinued in 2016, development of the second generation had already begun, with a near-production prototype already completed, which remained hidden until 2022.
  • DJ Spinna, was already renowned throughout the 1990s, and as well already knew Kriminul from the mid-1980s.

  • Since the new name already had already existed since 1915 as the name of the local train station, the name was already familiar to residents and adopted quickly.
  • By 1997, SIMSCRIPT III already had a GUI interface to its compiler. The latest version is "Release 5"; earlier versions already supported 64-bit processing.
  • Zamora has already appeared in numerous programs from "Grazilda" to "Alakdana"; and she already had her first co-starring role in a movie opposite Vic Sotto.
  • The perfect aspect may be indicated lexically by using the simple past form of the verb, preceded by [...] ('already'): [...] (lit.: 'I already ate') connotes 'I have already eaten'.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
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