 Translation for 'amputation' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN1   an amputation | amputations
NOUN2   amputation | -
amputation {noun}
ампутация {ж}
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Translation for 'amputation' from English to Bulgarian

amputation {noun}
ампутация {ж}мед.
Usage Examples English
  • In 1892 he introduced the side-to-side gastroduodenostomy, an operation used when the pylorus and proximal duodenum are badly scarred, and in 1894 he performed the first inter-ilio abdominal amputation or hemipelvectomy, a surgery involving amputation of the entire leg through the sacroiliac joint.
  • Because of the high mortality associated with infected gangrene (about 80% without treatment and 20% with treatment), an emergency salvage amputation, such as a guillotine amputation, is often needed to limit systemic effects of the infection.
  • At the Battle of Plains Store, Tucker was shot in the right knee, requiring an amputation of the right leg. After the amputation, Tucker was sent home.
  • The oldest known surgical amputation was carried out in Borneo about 31,000 years ago.
  • A Gigli saw is a flexible wire saw used by surgeons for bone cutting. A Gigli saw is used mainly for amputation, where the bones have to be smoothly cut at the level of amputation.

  • In replantation surgery following macro-amputation (e.g. ...
  • Amputation blades from the 18th century to the 1840s are generally known for their distinctive "down" curving blades.
  • When she was 16 months old, Challis contracted meningitis, which resulted in the above knee amputation of her legs and a below elbow amputation of her arms.
  • Following amputation, most annelids are capable of sealing their body via rapid muscular contraction.
  • Prosthetic fitting and functionality in this class can differ depending on where, between the knee and hip, the amputation exists.

  • In surgery, a guillotine amputation is an amputation performed without closure of the skin in an urgent setting.
  • Nearly half of the individuals who have an amputation due to vascular disease will die within 5 years, usually secondary to the extensive co-morbidities rather than due to direct consequences of amputation.
  • He has a double leg amputation and is classified as T42.
  • Program services in amputation rehabilitation at Magee are designed along two tracks: traumatic amputation (accidental severing) and disease-related amputation (diabetes, necrosis).
  • Amputation stumps can be sensitive to cold or heat, particularly as their capacity to regulate tissue congestion is limited.

  • Professional opinion is divided regarding the desire for penile amputation as a pathology, much as all other forms of treatment by amputation for body dysmorphic disorder.
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