Translation for '
annoying' from English to Bulgarian
| ADJ | annoying | more annoying | most annoying |
| VERB | to annoy | annoyed | annoyed annoying | annoys |
| SYNO | annoyance | annoying | irritation | ... |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
3 translations
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Usage Examples English
- "Mosshead proves to be an annoying houseguest.
- She also scathed that she was "selfish, bitchy, whiney and just generally wound everyone up" but no one could understand what made her so annoying.
- Rod recounts his experiences of being bothered by chatterboxes and other annoying people.
- Quick Fire Sweats (Series 3): The teams pitch a sweat to the studio audience against the clock, in an attempt to prove to the majority of the audience that the sweat is truly annoying.
- "Computer Gaming World" in May 1994 criticized the train controls as both too simple and "intentionally annoying" and train combat as "painfully slow", and mentioned other "annoying, rough edges".
- a3 allows White to avoid the annoying bishop check on b4, the also annoying knight jump to b4, and prepares Qc2 to undermine Black's knight.
- Maria is Maru's annoying and rude little sister. She clashes with Ari.
- Orangor is an annoying orange ape robot from Beast World. So annoying that he impersonated Guren's cat Max.
- Brewbaker was charged with simple misdemeanor annoying speech.
- What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
- Vultures: The vultures are portrayed as extremely annoying paparazzi.
- Some people have found the AFN TV commercials to be repetitive, annoying, and condescending.
- In a 2011 interview with "Kotaku", director Eiji Aonuma defended Navi when asked if he finds the character annoying: "Going on an adventure by yourself is lonely and dull.
- Studies have found that bandpass maskers are less annoying than pure tone maskers, that the annoyance rating of bandpass maskers is proportional to bandwidth, that intermittent maskers were more annoying than continuous ones, and that control over the center frequency and bandwidth was important in minimizing the annoyance of maskers.
- On the other hand, film critic Roger Ebert of "Chicago Sun-Times" awarded the film a half star out of a possible four stars, opining that "the film has the obnoxious tone of a boring home movie narrated by a guy shouting in your ear" and concluding by calling the film "incompetent and annoying."
- "Git" [...] is a term of insult denoting an unpleasant, silly, incompetent, annoying, senile, elderly or childish person.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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