 Translation for 'annulation' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN   an annulation | annulations
annulation {noun}анулация {ж}
annulation {noun}анулиране {ср}
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Translation for 'annulation' from English to Bulgarian

annulation {noun}
анулация {ж}

анулиране {ср}
Usage Examples English
  • His doctoral thesis, titled "Les conséquences de l’annulation d’un acte administratif pour excès de pouvoir", earned him the "prix de thèse de la Faculté de droit de Paris".
  • The quaternary carbon was introduced by asymmetric Robinson annulation reaction mediated by an L-proline derivative.
  • Lysergol can be synthesised using a tandem reaction to construct the piperidine skeleton and a rhodium-catalyzed + 2 annulation in the late-stage indole formation.
  • A classic tandem sequence of Michael and aldol additions is the Robinson annulation.
  • Robinson annulation has had application in the total synthesis of steroids.

  • An efficient one-pot route entails annulation of cyclopentadiene with unsaturated C5-synthons.
  • It is characterised by possessing a first peristomial annulation that extends as a dorsal crest over the second annulation and first setiger.
  • The synthesis of a mescaline analogue involves enantioselective annulation of an aryl imine via a C-H activation.
  • Enamines chemistry has been implemented for the purposes of producing a one-pot enantioselective version of the Robinson annulation.
  • ] annulation via a palladium catalyzed intermolecular pathway.

  • The importance of the Buchner ring expansion annulation chemistry is evident in the application of this synthetic sequence in the synthesis of biological compounds.
  • This variant is a type of Robinson annulation.
  • The Danheiser annulation or Danheiser TMS-cyclopentene annulation is an organic reaction of an α,β-unsaturated ketone and a trialkylsilylallene (e.g., trimethylsilyl- or triisopropylsilyl-) in the presence of a Lewis Acid to give a trialkylsilylcyclopentene in a regiocontrolled annulation.
  • He is also distinguished for developing the Falck-Bradsher annulation used to prepare six-membered rings containing a nitrogen based upon a process chemists call an inverse electron demand [...]-cycloaddition.
  • Rhodium-catalyzed annulation of alkynes with vinylcyclopropanes provides the bicyclo[...]decane with a unique saturation pattern.

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