Translation for '
anode' from English to Bulgarian
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Usage Examples English
- Over time the galvanic anode continues to corrode, consuming the anode material until eventually it must be replaced.
- Tetrode and pentode valves have very flat anode current vs.
- A considerable amount of heat is generated in the focal spot (the area where the beam of electrons coming from the cathode strike to) of a stationary anode.
- The anode layer begins with the positive column, and ends at the anode. The anode layer has a negative space charge and a moderate electric field.
- Archer's group found that such a porous electrolyte effectively lengthens the route along which ions travel between anode and cathode and thus increases the life of the anode.
- In X-ray tubes, the heel effect or, more precisely, the anode heel effect is a variation of the intensity of X-rays emitted by the anode depending on the direction of emission along the anode-cathode axis.
- A relatively small variation in voltage on the control grid causes a significantly large variation in anode current.
- The tanks also have magnesium anode rods. The anode rod will slow down corrosion of the steel tank by corroding in its place.
- High grain stability indicates high anode structural integrity, increasing the smelting efficiency of the anode. High Grain stability also minimizes particle degradation during anode fabrication.
- The main challenge in anode development is preventing the anode from reacting with the electrolyte.
- Battery manufacturers may regard the negative electrode as the anode, particularly in their technical literature.
- The class C operational values in the info box at the right are for "anode modulated A.M.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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