 Translation for 'anomalous' from English to Bulgarian
ADJ   anomalous | more anomalous | most anomalous
anomalous {adj}аномален
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Translation for 'anomalous' from English to Bulgarian

anomalous {adj}
Usage Examples English
  • Seymchan belongs to Main Group pallasites, but it is considered anomalous due to its high Iridium content.
  • They can be associated with anomalous pulmonary venous connection.
  • The ionospheric conditions are called "sporadic E" and "anomalous enhancement".
  • Many contemporary non-reductive physicalists subscribe to a position called anomalous monism (or something very similar to it).
  • See also anomalous scaling dimension.

  • Network-based anomalous intrusion detection systems often provide a second line of defense to detect anomalous traffic at the physical and network layers after it has passed through a firewall or other security appliance on the border of a network.
  • When being measured at room temperature, the anomalous Hall voltage of chromium telluride seems to consist of both negative anomalous and positive normal component.
  • Quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) is the "quantum" version of the anomalous Hall effect.
  • In 1916, Einstein was to show that this anomalous precession of Mercury is explained by the spatial terms in the curvature of spacetime.
  • A rare genetic defect of the pulmonary veins can cause them to drain into the pulmonary circulation in whole or in part, this is known as a total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (or drainage), or partial anomalous pulmonary connection, respectively.

  • In X-ray crystallography, incorporation of one or more selenium atoms in place of sulfur helps with multiple-wavelength anomalous dispersion and single wavelength anomalous dispersion phasing.
  • Anomalous diffusion is one more dynamic system where fractional-order systems play significant role to describe the anomalous flow in the diffusion process.
  • Anomalous pulmonary venous connection (or anomalous pulmonary venous drainage or anomalous pulmonary venous return) is a congenital defect of the pulmonary veins.
  • The name "Mythicomyces" was coined to reflect that it possessed an anomalous combination of morphological and anatomical features that seemed to span several families of mushrooms, as if it were a mythical mushroom.
  • It was derived to explain the anomalous skin effect of superconductors.

  • Infrared thermographic radiometer or “IR Imager” locates these anomalous thermal conditions.
  • In 2009 the city recorded anomalous maximum of [...] , which was [...] above the country's average of [...] and the highest anomalous maximum in Australia for 2009.
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