 Translation for 'anomaly' from English to Bulgarian
NOUN   an anomaly | anomalies
SYNO anomalousness | anomaly | unusual person
anomaly {noun}аномалия {ж}
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Translation for 'anomaly' from English to Bulgarian

anomaly {noun}
аномалия {ж}
Usage Examples English
  • The equation of the center relates mean anomaly to true anomaly for elliptical orbits, for small numerical eccentricity.
  • Multiple tomography models show a slow anomaly structure beneath southern Africa.
  • The Temagami Magnetic Anomaly, also called the Temagami Anomaly or the Wanapitei Anomaly, is a magnetic anomaly resulting from a large buried geologic structure in the Canadian Shield near Temagami, Ontario, Canada.
  • A conformal anomaly, scale anomaly, trace anomaly or Weyl anomaly is an anomaly, i.e. a quantum phenomenon that breaks the conformal symmetry of the classical theory.
  • To the northeast of Dufay is a bright albedo anomaly that does not correlate with any topographic features.

  • Anomaly sites are divided into two categories: Primary and Satellite locations.
  • A global anomaly can also mean that a non-perturbative global anomaly cannot be captured by one loop or any loop perturbative Feynman diagram calculations—examples include the Witten anomaly and Wang–Wen–Witten anomaly.
  • The result is a usable relationship between the eccentric anomaly "E" and the true anomaly "θ".
  • It is possible to further assume that the relation between the wind stress anomaly and the temperature anomaly is given by: [...].
  • Instead of the mean anomaly at epoch, the mean anomaly [...] , mean longitude, true anomaly [...] , or (rarely) the eccentric anomaly might be used.

    © English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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