Translation for '
anonymity' from English to Bulgarian
| NOUN | anonymity [concept] | - |
| SYNO | anonymity | namelessness |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- This is the main feature of the method. Anonymity is a very important function of Delphi methods.
- Anonymity is perceived as a right by many, especially the anonymity in the internet communications. The partial right for anonymity is legally protected to various degrees in different jurisdictions.
- Identity-based validation techniques generally provide accountability at the expense of anonymity, which can be an undesirable tradeoff especially in online forums that wish to permit censorship-free information exchange and open discussion of sensitive topics.
- A multiple-use name or anonymity pseudonym is a name used by many different people to protect anonymity.
- In several reports the cartoonist's fear of losing his anonymity and becoming a target of physical attack have been mentioned.
- Privacy is different from anonymity in its applicability and usage. Anonymity is subordinate to privacy and might be desired for the exchange, retrieval, or publication of specific information.
- Although most re-mailer systems are used responsibly, the anonymity they provide can be exploited by entities or individuals whose reasons for anonymity are not necessarily benign.
- She has compared the anonymity of online flaming to the anonymity of vandalizing in real life.
- Outline is not an anonymity tool, and it does not provide the same degree of anonymity protections as Tor Browser, which routes traffic through three hops rather than just one and also protects against attacks like browser fingerprinting.
- 57% of voters believed that she deserved anonymity, and 18.16% believed that Homolka should be permitted to receive anonymity in about 50 years.
- As a result, some Ogle user's sense of anonymity, posts have targeted specific schools and students with abusive and hurtful content.
- Other media gave more weight to anonymity and protection.
- Tor2web preserves the anonymity of content publishers but is not itself an anonymity tool and does not offer any protection to users beyond relaying data using HTTP Secure (HTTPS).
- "k"-anonymity is a property possessed by certain anonymized data.
- Running in parallel to the Marines' criminal trial were legal proceedings relating to the anonymity of the defendants.
- Given the lack of secrecy inherent in placing sousveillant content online, the anonymity of the sousveillers is of prime importance if hierarchical (politically or legally motivated) sousveillance is to proliferate.
- Some anonymous communication protocols offer anonymity at the cost of high bandwidth overhead, that means the number of messages exchanged between the protocol parties is really high.
- In 2011, Zuckerberg advocated for the abolition of anonymity on the Internet to protect children and young adults from cyberbullying. She explained how anonymity is protective for perpetrators.
- The GNUnet protocol which provides anonymity is called GAP (GNUnet anonymity protocol).
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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