 Translation for 'answer' from English to Bulgarian
NOUN   an answer | answers
VERB   to answer | answered | answered
answering | answers
SYNO answer | reply | resolution | ...
to answer {verb}отговарям
answer {noun}отговор {м}
2 translations
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Translation for 'answer' from English to Bulgarian

to answer {verb}

answer {noun}
отговор {м}
Usage Examples English
  • In Predict the Poll, players have ten seconds to answer one question.
  • 5 points are awarded for each correct answer while 4 points are deducted for each wrong or skipped answer.
  • The respondent is required to click on the circle, which corresponds to the desired answer. A dot in the middle will appear once an answer is chosen. Only one answer can be chosen.
  • In the first quarter, competitors would answer ten general questions, all of which were either multiple choice or "true or false".
  • The player uses the joystick to enter an answer to the math problem.

  • Players are given five seconds to answer, or longer for a spelling question, and may confer amongst themselves before giving an answer.
  • The definition of RP says that a YES-answer is always right and that a NO-answer might be wrong, as a YES-instance can return a NO-answer.
  • The contestants' run ends when they either answer a question incorrectly, decide to not answer a question and walk away with their prize money, or if they answer all 15 questions correctly (winning Rs. ...
  • The surprisingly popular answer is a wisdom of the crowd technique that taps into the expert minority opinion within a crowd.
  • "Sunday school answer" is a pejorative used within Evangelical Christianity to refer to an answer as being the kind of answer one might give to a child.

  • Each tribe has 60 seconds to answer as many questions as possible, scoring one point per correct answer.
  • A question and three answer choices about the subject of the clip is asked to the home viewers.
  • Answer ellipsis (= answer fragments) is a type of ellipsis that occurs in answers to questions.
  • There are at least three ways in which a realist might try to answer James' challenge of explaining the reason why universal conceptions are more lofty than those of particulars: the moral–political answer, the mathematical–scientific answer, and the anti-paradoxical answer.
  • The plaintiff need not respond to anything in the answer, as it is presumed that all allegations in the answer are denied.

  • According to Grimes, the answer "yes" asserts a positive answer and the answer "no" asserts a negative answer, irrespective of the form of the question.
  • The phone had 9 optional ringtones, an auto lock function, multikey answer (so you could answer with any key), a special emergency call option, an Auto Answer function (after two rings the phone would automatically answer itself), and several other features common on older Motorola phones.
  • The contestants' run ends when they either answer a question incorrectly, decide to not answer a question and walk away with their prize money, or if they answer all 15 questions correctly (winning $1 million).
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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