 Translation for 'ant' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN   an ant | ants
SYNO ant | emmet | pismire
ant {noun}
мравка {ж}
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Translation for 'ant' from English to Bulgarian

ant {noun}
мравка {ж}енто.T
Usage Examples English
  • The yellow crazy ant ("Anoplolepis gracilipes"), also known as the long-legged ant or Maldive ant, is a species of ant, thought to be native to West Africa or Asia.
  • An army ant is any species of ant known for aggressive predatory foraging groups.
  • Although the ant shape is unlikely to deceive an ant, the spider does hunt ants. The ant form is therefore probably to evade predators that would eat spiders, but not ants.
  • "T. immigrans" serves as host to the workerless and ectoparasitic "Tetramorium inquilinum" ant. This primitive ant spends its life clinging to the back of a pavement ant, particularly queens.
  • "Harpegnathos saltator", sometimes called the Indian jumping ant or Jerdon's jumping ant, is a species of ant found in India. They have long mandibles and have the ability to leap a few inches.

  • "Neoponera villosa", known generally as hairy panther ant, is a species of ant in the family Formicidae. Other common names include the greater Texas bullet ant and giant hunting ant.
  • A formicarium or ant farm is a vivarium which is designed primarily for the study of ant colonies and how ants behave. Those who study ant behavior are known as myrmecologists.
  • "Myrmecophilus oregonensis", known generally as the Oregon ant cricket or west coast ant cricket, is a species of ant cricket in the family Myrmecophilidae. It is found in North America.
  • "Camponotus chromaiodes", known generally as, the ferruginous carpenter ant or red carpenter ant, is a species of ant in the family Formicidae.
  • "Crematogaster laeviuscula", known generally as the acrobat ant or valentine ant, is a species of ant in the family Formicidae.

  • "Technomyrmex difficilis", known generally as the white-footed ant or difficult techno ant, is a species of odorous ant in the family Formicidae.
  • They are often called "ant spiders" due to their ant-like appearance and ant mimicking behavior.
  • The bicolored trailing ant or flower ant ("Monomorium floricola") is a species of ant of the subfamily Myrmicinae. It is a widespread, invasive ant which is found all over the world.
  • "Lasius fuliginosus", also known as the jet ant or jet black ant, is a species of ant in the subfamily Formicinae.
  • "Pogonomyrmex rugosus", the desert harvester ant or rough harvester ant, is a species of harvester ant in the subfamily Myrmicinae which is endemic to the southwestern United States, specifically New Mexico and southern Colorado.

  • "Formica exsecta" (the narrow-headed ant or excised wood ant) is a species of ant found from Western Europe to Asia.
  • The jack jumper ant and its relatives in the genus "Myrmecia" are among the most dangerous ant genera and have fearsome reputations for their extreme aggression; "Guinness World Records" certifies the ant "Myrmecia pyriformis" as the world's most dangerous ant.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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