Translation for '
before' from English to Bulgarian
SYNO | ahead | before | earlier | ... |
4 translations
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Usage Examples English
- The colon is used before lists, before direct speech, before explanations, and also in writing daytime and ratios (see above).
- The Genappe post-office opened before 1830. It used a postal code 48 with bars (before 1864), and 145 with points before 1870. BOUSVAL opened on 8 April 1880.
- Mathematically, there is a partial order called the "happens-before" order over all actions performed by the program.
- You lawfully possessed the rifle before it was made illegal (i.e., before January 1, 2005) and registered it before April 30, 2006 with the State Department of Justice.
- Continuing north, from here SR 22 crosses over Short Branch, then Dry Branch, before passing through farmland and countryside before having an intersection with SR 201 before crossing into Henderson County.
- Intimations may be read out before the first singing (in effect, before the actual service begins) or immediately after the reading, or before the benediction.
- Premedication is using medication before some other therapy (usually surgery or chemotherapy) to prepare for that forthcoming therapy.
- Both VSO (verb before subject before object) and SVO (subject before verb before object) word orders are possible in Levantine. The verb is before the object (VO).
- The annual cycle begins no later than December about 9 months before nominees are announced, 15 months before the winner is announced and 18 months before the presentation.
- Lea struggled with nerves before competition, and reportedly panicked before every one of them. Before his Olympics competition, he suffered a nervous skin rash.
- Long also played for Stoke City before joining Dundalk in 1993 and then St Patrick's Athletic before joining Bray Wanderers in 2000 where he played 138 games before retiring in 2005.
- Young was a junior with both Wrexham and Tranmere Rovers before attending and playing for the University of Manchester.
- Departure processing starts 2.5 hours before departure and ends 1 hour before departure. Passengers must fill out a boarding pass before travelling.
- The fricatives are voiced to ɣ ʁ before a voiced consonant. In addition, /ʂ/ > z before /t d/ and > ʑ before /pi pe bi tɕ dʑ/.
- are recited thrice daily by Sephardi Jews (before and after Shacharit, and before Mincha); twice daily by Hasidic Jews (before Shacharit, and before Mincha); and once daily by Ashkenazi Jews (before Shacharit).
- The consonant [...] before [...] , and [...] before other vowels, was pronounced as [...].
- When [...] is added before another consonant to form a conjunct, [...] turns into "reph". In other words, "reph" indicates that there is a "r" sound before the letter it is used before.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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