 Translation for 'betrayal' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN   a betrayal | betrayals
SYNO betrayal | perfidy | treachery | ...
betrayal {noun}предателство {ср}
betrayal {noun}измяна {ж} [на кауза]
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Usage Examples English
  • mantra was "permanent anticipation of betrayal and treachery".
  • Betrayal is the dominant theme of "The Judas Tree".
  • Betrayal myth – A central myth in Carol Edgarian's "Rise the Euphrates" is the betrayal myth.
  • Philosophers Judith Shklar and Peter Johnson, authors of "The Ambiguities of Betrayal" and "Frames of Deceit", respectively, contend that while no clear definition of betrayal is available, betrayal is more effectively understood through literature.
  • Ahithophel's betrayal of David, and subsequent suicide are seen as anticipating Judas' betrayal of Jesus, and the gospels' account of Judas hanging himself (Matthew 27:5).

  • On 18 November 2020, Chan released his second self-written song "背伴" (Betrayal).
  • While fear paradigms tend to focus on treating symptoms of trauma through exposure therapy and attention to emotional regulation, betrayal trauma theory looks at the social context in which the betrayal occurred, placing the pathology in the traumatic event rather than the individual.
  • After learning the betrayal of Çerkes Ethem he broke ties with him and surrendered to the Turkish National Army stating that he was not part of the betrayal.
  • One of the suggested themes of the story is betrayal – Corley is betrayed by society, due to the lack of opportunities for the middle and lower classes, so he becomes a betrayer.
  • The motto represents the "idea of betrayal", one of the main themes in the Kosovo Myth – the antithesis of Miloš Obilić's heroism embodied in the figure of Vuk Branković, which legend holds fled the battlefield, the moral of the story being that discord and betrayal among the Serbs had doomed the nation to fall.

  • Czech politicians joined the newspapers in regularly using the term "Western betrayal" and it, along with the associated feelings, became a stereotype among Czechs.
  • Institutional betrayal refers to "wrongdoings perpetrated by an institution upon individuals dependent on that institution, including failure to prevent or respond supportively to wrongdoings by individuals (e.g. ...
  • Freyd (1996) expanded the idea of insidious traumatization to include the term "betrayal trauma," to describe the specific kind of trauma that occurs when a child is abused by their caregivers; Feminist theory argues that betrayal trauma is inherently different from single-incident trauma, mainly because betrayal trauma tends to manifest specifically as interpersonal difficulties and dissociative symptoms, while traditional intrusive symptoms are usually not present.
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