Translation for '
brown rat' from English to Bulgarian
| NOUN | a brown rat | brown rats |
| SYNO | brown rat | Norway rat | Rattus norvegicus |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- Nest robbers include the common raven in Spain, tawny owl, and least weasel ("Mustela nivalis") in England, and brown rat ("Rattus norvegicus") in Finland.
- As of 2015 the brown rat is most likely eradicated on the island.
- rattus") and the brown rat ("R. norvegicus"). The group is generally known as the Old World rats or true rats and originated in Asia.
- The black rat, brown rat, Pacific rat and house mouse were accidentally introduced to Australia with European settlement, as was a small population of the five-lined palm squirrel near Perth.
- The brown rat is counted as one of the most prominent synanthropic animals and can be found in almost every place there are people.
- Possibly originating from the plains of northern China and Mongolia, the brown rat spread to other parts of the world sometime in the Middle Ages.
- The brown rat, was introduced on purpose by people from Klaksvík, to the island in 1914 over some slight, and it has done tremendous damage to the bird population since then, most notably the Atlantic puffin.
- Two prominent murine species have become vital laboratory animals: the brown rat and house mouse are both used as medical subjects.
- In these works Berkenhout named the brown rat as the Norway Rat ("Rattus norvegicus"), not Linnaeus as is often claimed.
- Water rats remain in reduced numbers, but the introduced black rat ("Rattus rattus") and brown rat ("Rattus norvegicus") have largely supplanted the natives.
- Introduced mammals include the house mouse, brown rat, and feral cats.
- The best-known rat species are the black rat ("Rattus rattus") and the brown rat ("Rattus norvegicus").
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