 Translation for 'common beech' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN   a common beech | common beeches
SYNO common beech | European beech | Fagus sylvatica
common beech {noun} [Fagus sylvatica]
обикновен бук {м}
Partial Matches
European beech {noun} [Fagus sylvatica]
обикновен бук {м}
common sense {noun}мъдрост {ж}
common sense {noun}здрав разум {м}
common dormouse {noun} [Muscardinus avellanarius]
лешников сънливец {м}
(common) anaconda {noun} [Eunectes murinus]
гигантска анаконда {ж}
(common) anaconda {noun} [Eunectes murinus]
зелена анаконда {ж}
(common) redshank {noun} [Tringa totanus]
малък червеноног водобегач {м}
(common) greenshank {noun} [Tringa nebularia]
голям зеленокрак водобегач {м}
common sandpiper {noun} [Actitis hypoleucos]
късокрил кюкавец {м}
(common) anaconda {noun} [Eunectes murinus]
амазонска анаконда {ж}
(common) chaffinch {noun} [Fringilla coelebs]
обикновена чинка {ж}
(common) nightingale {noun} [Luscinia megarhynchos]
южен славей {м}
(common) brimstone {noun} [Gonepteryx rhamni]
лимонница {ж}
common {adj} [abundant, frequently met]чест
lack of common sense {noun}неразсъдителност {ж}
common treecreeper {noun} [Certhia familiaris]
горска дърволазка {ж}
(common) raven {noun} [Corvus corax]
гарван {м} (гробар)
(common) pheasant {noun} [Phasianus colchicus]
(колхидски) фазан {м}
common marmoset {noun} [Callithrix jacchus]
обикновена мармозетка {ж}
common noctule {noun} [Nyctalus noctula]
ръждив вечерник {м}
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Translation for 'common beech' from English to Bulgarian

common beech {noun} [Fagus sylvatica]
обикновен бук {м}бот.T

European beech {noun} [Fagus sylvatica]
обикновен бук {м}бот.T
common sense {noun}
мъдрост {ж}

здрав разум {м}
common dormouse {noun} [Muscardinus avellanarius]
лешников сънливец {м}зоол.T
(common) anaconda {noun} [Eunectes murinus]
гигантска анаконда {ж}зоол.T

зелена анаконда {ж}зоол.T

амазонска анаконда {ж}зоол.T
(common) redshank {noun} [Tringa totanus]
малък червеноног водобегач {м}орн.T
(common) greenshank {noun} [Tringa nebularia]
голям зеленокрак водобегач {м}орн.T
common sandpiper {noun} [Actitis hypoleucos]
късокрил кюкавец {м}орн.T
(common) chaffinch {noun} [Fringilla coelebs]
обикновена чинка {ж}орн.T
(common) nightingale {noun} [Luscinia megarhynchos]
южен славей {м}орн.T
(common) brimstone {noun} [Gonepteryx rhamni]
лимонница {ж}енто.T
common {adj} [abundant, frequently met]
lack of common sense {noun}
неразсъдителност {ж}
common treecreeper {noun} [Certhia familiaris]
горска дърволазка {ж}орн.T
(common) raven {noun} [Corvus corax]
гарван {м} (гробар)орн.T
(common) pheasant {noun} [Phasianus colchicus]
(колхидски) фазан {м}орн.T
common marmoset {noun} [Callithrix jacchus]
обикновена мармозетка {ж}зоол.T
common noctule {noun} [Nyctalus noctula]
ръждив вечерник {м}зоол.T
Usage Examples English
  • In Europe, this species prefers common beech woodland, but will also use birch.
  • The south of the commune (common beech-fir tree forest) is part of the forest of the .
  • At the highest areas of the mountain grow forests of common beech ("Fagus sylvatica").
  • At intermediate heights of between 700 and 800 m above sea level, mixed woods of spruce ("Picea abies") and common beech would predominantly be found under natural conditions.
  • Felbrigg Woods is a Site of Special Scientific Interest and is mainly within the grounds and estate of Felbrigg Hall. The woods mainly consist of common beech trees, with many rare species of lichen.

  • Extensive common beech forests dominate, and only in the Eichelscheid area are spruce and pine the main trees.
  • Most military gun stocks were made from walnut, whereas for the cheaper African market common beech was used.
  • He based this conclusion on the appearance inside a forest of common beech trees in the neighborhood of an old colonisation of disappeared dwarf beech trees of spontaneous seedling of dwarf trees.
  • The tree species of the higher ridges are Scots Pine, English Oak and Common Beech.
  • "Fagus sylvatica", the European beech or common beech is a deciduous tree belonging to the beech family Fagaceae.

  • Its host plants include birch, alder, willow, hawthorn, and common beech.
  • "Xylosteus spinolae" is the species of the Lepturinae subfamily in long-horned beetle family. Adult beetle feeds on flowers of common filbert, and common beech.
  • The dominant tree of this mixed deciduous forest is the common beech, but due to the many different types of soil and the local climate there are many different forest communities, as well as monocultures.
  • Smaller than the common beech, the tree can reach a height of up to [...] and tends to be wider than high.
  • Forests of European black pine ("Pinus nigra") and common beech ("Fagus sylvatica") cover the park's lower and middle altitudes [...] , with several of these trees being more than 700 years old.

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