Translation for '
concrete' from English to Bulgarian
| ADJ | concrete | more concrete | most concrete |
| NOUN | concrete | - |
| VERB | to concrete | concreted | concreted concreting | concretes |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
4 translations
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Usage Examples English
- A concrete bucket delivers concrete by means of a tower crane. It has a bottom opening to allow concrete to flow out when in-place. See also tremie.
- According to chief engineer, Nina Bragina, prefabricated concrete was chosen under political pressure (in situ concrete would be faster and cheaper).
- In the United States, screeding is the process a person called a concrete finisher performs by cutting off excess wet concrete to bring the top surface of a slab to the proper grade and smoothness.
- Concrete vibrators consolidate freshly poured concrete so that trapped air and excess water are released and the concrete settles firmly in place in the formwork.
- A concrete pump is a machine used for transferring liquid concrete by pumping. There are different types of concrete pumps.
- Concrete stamping is the procedure which uses the concrete stamps to make the pattern in the stamped concrete.
- The concrete used in the Glenfinnan Viaduct is mass concrete, which unlike reinforced concrete does not contain any metal reinforcement.
- Concrete walls to window sill height support the precast concrete planking above.
- Another advancement is in the use of prestressed concrete.
- The concrete of the dam is affected by concrete swelling, caused by an alkali–silica reaction, that leads to tensions and cracks in the concrete.
- Patio options include concrete, stamped concrete, and aggregate concrete.
- pasteurii" in bio self-healing of concrete which involves implementing the bacterium into the concrete matrix during the concrete preparation to heal micro cracks.
- The houses have concrete or dirt floors, concrete or masonry walls and concrete, metal or tile roofs.
- Concrete and brick can be recycled by crushing it into rubble. Mobile concrete crushers also allow for recycling of concrete on-site.
- ] concrete through girders. This carries a concrete deck and full-height abutments over solid concrete piers with bullnosed cutwaters.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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