 Translation for 'conflict of interests' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN   a conflict of interests | conflicts of interests
conflict of interests {noun}конфликт {м} на интереси
Partial Matches
clash of interests {noun}сблъсък {м} на интереси
of {prep}от
west ofзападно от
suggestive (of{adj}подтикващ (към)
because of {prep}заради
ahead of {adv}преди
of course {adv}естествено [прен.]
of course {adv}разбира се
philosophy of law {noun}
правна философия {ж}
to consist of sth. {verb}съставен съм от нщ.
a lot of {adv}много
to be ashamed of {verb}срамувам се от
philosophy of law {noun}
философия {ж} на правото
presumption of innocence {noun}
презумпция {ж} за невинност
body of work {noun}
творчество {ср}
Tropic of Cancer {noun}
Тропик {м} на Рака
Tropic of Capricorn {noun}
Тропик {м} на Козирога
lots of timesмного пъти
to be afraid of {verb}страх ме е от
leave of absence {noun}
отпуска {ж}
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Despite leading to some conflict of interests between rooting interests and fantasy success, fantasy football has been shown to have a positive impact on NFL spectatorship.
  • The conflict of interests between iron exports from Bergslagen and territorial conflicts at Denmark's southern border was a chief reason behind the Engelbrekt rebellion in 1434 and the following strifes that ultimately resulted in the dissolution of the Kalmar Union in 1523.
  • As a result, some critics have contended that the credit ratings agencies are beholden to these issuers in a conflict of interests and that their ratings are not as objective as they ought to be, due to this "pay to play" model.
  • This raises the idea of an evolutionary basis for this behavior based on a conflict of interests between males and females of the species.
  • This causes a conflict of interests without actually causing any conflict at all.

  • Wim made over one million Euros with his private investments. As a result of his actions, ECN changed its regulations so conflict of interests would be prevented in the future.
  • In June 2011, a group linked to the Russian Orthodox Church had demanded a ban owing to an alleged "conflict of interests" between the Russian followers of Krishna and local authorities in the Siberian region of Tomsk.
  • On 16 November 2021, it was announced that longtime drummer Martin Axenrot had left the band due to conflict of interests and will be replaced by Sami Karppinen for the North American tour.
  • The main conditions enabling such a fraud is weak law against conflict of interests, non-existent legal liability of managers for leading their employer towards bankruptcy, and incompetence of financial authorities.
  • The conflict of interests was settled in a bilateral agreement according to which Slovakia - at the expense of the Czech beer-related concession on Hungarian part - was only allowed to export its overproduction of Tokaj wine to Hungary (which consequently re-labeled and re-exported it).

  • As a solution to the apparent conflict of interests, critics propose legislation to separate the pharmaceutical industry from the psychiatric profession.
  • In 1934, Commons published "Institutional Economics", which laid out his view that institutions were made up of collective actions that, along with conflict of interests, defined the economy.
  • In 2008, Cheng announced that he would not seek re-election to Legco to avoid possible conflict of interests in his efforts to apply for a license to operate a radio station.
  • The legacy of the Constitution of 1974 was used to throw the system of decision-making into a state of paralysis, made all the more hopeless as the conflict of interests had become irreconcilable.
  • Due to these conflict of interests, multiple authors have argues that the “big four”’s public project appraisals are biased towards the PPP funding option against the traditional procurement model.

  • According to von Beust, Schill then threatened to make public an alleged love affair between von Beust and judiciary senator Roger Kusch (CDU), which would have resulted in a conflict of interests on von Beust's side.
  • Individuals who fail to disclose any conflict of interests or who fail to report all of their findings, regardless of what they may be, can face disciplinary actions.
  • He was also criticized when he refused to answer a question about a possible conflict of interests concerning his successor's involvement at Goldman Sachs before taking charge as head of the ECB.
  • The conflict of interests between the sender and the receiver results in an evolutionarily stable state only if both sides can derive an overall benefit.
  • At the time of the disaster, the Department of Energy (DEn) was responsible for both production and offshore safety; this was perceived as entailing a conflict of interests.

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