Translation for '
decorum' from English to Bulgarian
SYNO | decorousness | decorum |
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- In a religious context, the term kwi connotes a style of worship of a particular Christian church which is marked by formality and decorum.
- Unlike the national anthem, there are no rules or decorum to be observed when reciting "Vande Mataram".
- NOTE: Proper behavioral decorum and attitude is also a must.
- The same motto, "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori", had been adapted to the ethos of martyrdom in the lyrics of early Christian poets like Prudentius.
- Stories in the opera tend to be ostensibly historical and frequently focus on the rules of social decorum, and can include legends from either the history of China or Vietnam.
- Cerquozzi joined the Accademia di San Luca in 1634 and attended their meetings until 1652. However, he never followed their strict decorum.
- Yelich introduced private member's motions to make sexually explicit material contraband in prisons, keep open local weather stations, establish a report on decorum in the House, and support research on endometriosis.
- The buildings' facades are fine examples of the Victorian Free Classical style, executed to give a sense of decorum to what would otherwise have been simple commercial / residential structures.
- "Bembidion decorum" is a species of ground beetle native to Europe.
- A prude is a person who is described as (or would describe themselves as) being concerned with decorum or propriety, significantly in excess of normal prevailing standards.
- Princess Katarina of Yugoslavia, Lady de Silva (born 28 November 1959) is an English businessperson specialising in etiquette and decorum courses.
- The place of decorum in the courtroom, of the type of argument that is within bounds, remains pertinent: the decorum of argument was a constant topic during the O.J. Simpson trial.
- Legislative bodies usually have sober standards of decorum that are intended to quiet passions and favor reasoned deliberation.
- He writes that the Tea Meetings were staged as theatrical "battles between decorum and chaos", decorum represented by the ceremony chairmen and chaos the hecklers in the audience, with a diplomatic King or a Queen presiding over the battle to ensure fairness.
- The phrase is again referenced when Duffy writes "Dulce — No — Decorum — No — Pro patria mori."
- "Saturday Afternoon Fever": Stacy and Bradley lose all sense of decorum in their quest for the most elusive of all collectible action figures: Arm Sling Andy.
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