 Translation for 'developmental psychology' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN   developmental psychology | -
SYNO child psychology | developmental psychology | genetic psychology
developmental psychology {noun}
психология {ж} на развитието
differential psychology {noun}
диференциална психология {ж}
geriatric psychology {noun}
геронтопсихология {ж}
cognitive psychology {noun}
когнитивна психология {ж}
psychology of religion {noun}
психология {ж} на религията
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Usage Examples English
  • He returned to the United States in 1980, to continue his research in developmental psychology.
  • After Kohlberg's body was recovered and his death confirmed, former students and colleagues published special issues of scholarly journals to commemorate his contribution to developmental psychology.
  • Another distinction is made between romantic and sexual attraction, and he draws on work from developmental psychology, which suggests that romantic systems derive from attachment theory while sexual systems "primarily reside in different brain structures".
  • Baldwin was prominent among early experimental psychologists and was voted by his peers as the fifth most important psychologist in America in a 1903 survey conducted by James McKeen Cattell, but it was his contributions to developmental psychology that were the most important.
  • Rogers inspired Angela Santomero, co-creator of the children's television show "Blue's Clues", to earn a degree in developmental psychology and go into educational television.

  • For example, the work of Zacharias and Bruner was based in the developmental psychology of Jean Piaget and incorporated many of Dewey's ideas of experiential education.
  • One of the foremost minds with regard to developmental psychology, Jean Piaget, focused much of his attention on cognitive development from birth through adulthood.
  • He was in his second year of a PhD program in developmental psychology at Stanford University when he was diagnosed with glioblastoma in 2008.
  • From 1970 to 1975 he served as Director for Developmental Psychology at Ryerson Open College, a virtual university which broadcast lectures by radio (on CJRT-FM) and TV (CBC and CTV) from 1970 to 1975; and from 1993 to 2000 he was engaged in Ryerson University Now (RUN), an initiative to get bright but disadvantaged students interested in going to university.
  • Subsequent psycho-physical investigations "have all been in" the spirit of his work; and although he consistently advocated the introspective method in psychological investigation, he was among the first to appreciate the help that may be given to it by social psychology, comparative psychology and developmental psychology.

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