 Translation for 'differential psychology' from English to Bulgarian
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differential psychology {noun}
диференциална психология {ж}
differential calculus {noun}
диференциално смятане {ср}
differential equation {noun} <DE>
диференциално уравнение {ср}
developmental psychology {noun}
психология {ж} на развитието
cognitive psychology {noun}
когнитивна психология {ж}
geriatric psychology {noun}
геронтопсихология {ж}
psychology of religion {noun}
психология {ж} на религията
7 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • The journal was subtitled "Political, Racial and Differential Psychology" until changing its name in 1949.
  • Differential psychology studies the ways in which individuals differ in their behavior and the processes that underlie it.
  • and a founder of a Soviet psychological school of Differential psychology.
  • Paterson retired, Dunnette was invited to the post of Associate Professor to take the Industrial Psychology part of Patterson's work, leaving Counseling Psychology and Differential Psychology to other of Patterson's 83 former PhD Students, as part of a plan agreed by the university's Department of Psychology prior to his joining 3M.
  • Sir Francis Galton is typically credited as the founder of differential psychology, which seeks to determine and explain the mental differences between individuals.

  • Deary is Professor of Differential Psychology at The University of Edinburgh.
  • His interest in natural determinants of behavior signifies him as a notable pioneer in the field of differential psychology.
  • His research is in the fields of behavioral neuroscience and differential psychology, with a focus on individual differences in intelligence.
  • Colom is Professor of Differential Psychology in the Department of Biological and Health Psychology at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, from which he received his Ph.D. in 1989.
  • He is known for his research on human intelligence and differential psychology.

  • Donald Gildersleeve Paterson (January 18, 1892 – October 4, 1961) was an American psychologist known for pioneering applied psychology, in particular vocational counseling, industrial/organizational psychology, and differential psychology in the United States.
  • Rindermann does research in educational psychology, developmental psychology, differential psychology, pedagogy, and clinical psychology.
  • This idea was verbalized again by Vladimir Nebylitsyn, then further developed in differential psychology and psychophysiology experiments from the late 1970s by Rusalov, who was working in Nebylitsyn's laboratory and inherited this laboratory after a sudden tragic death of Nebylitsyn or intellectual.
  • The development of factor analysis as a popular statistical technique in differential psychology has led to an increase in attempts at finding underlying traits.
  • The problem of finding the essential basis for the classification of psychological types—that is, the basis of determining a broader spectrum of derivative characteristics—is crucial in differential psychology.

  • Bates (born 1963) is a professor of differential psychology at the University of Edinburgh.
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