 Translation for 'difficulty' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN   a difficulty | difficulties
SYNO difficultness | difficulty | trouble
difficulty {noun}затруднение {ср}
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Translation for 'difficulty' from English to Bulgarian

difficulty {noun}
затруднение {ср}
Usage Examples English
  • The difficulty measure is related to the difficulty of the program to write or understand, e.g. when doing code review.
  • For challenge racing, there are no difficulty settings, with the difficulty ramping up as the player moves through them.
  • Some signs of ankyloglossia can be difficulty speaking, difficulty eating, ongoing dental issues, jaw pain, or migraines.
  • The quest mode is divided into normal and hard difficulty, and finishing the game at hard difficulty will reveal the special difficulty mode.
  • Since the desired effect is computational difficulty, in theory one would choose an algorithm and desired difficulty level, thus decide the key length accordingly.

  • Patients often have difficulty standing on their toes, difficulty walking on uneven surfaces, difficulty walking up and down stairs, and unusual or uneven wear on shoes.
  • Typical initial features include difficulty walking and dystonia, with later progression to difficulty moving called parkinsonism.
  • Tenderness/pain, difficulty in flexing the joint, difficulty in walking, difficulty in bearing weight, stiffness and swelling form a constellation of symptoms which may be indicative of Osteoarthritis.
  • Starting with Fiesta, the Normal / Hard / Crazy / Freestyle / Nightmare modes are replaced by prefixing the difficulty level before the difficulty number.
  • Difficulty is considered a key predictor of behavior in psychology and is included in most recognized models of behavior change, such as the theory of planned behavior.

  • ... the difficulty encountered in seeing the hag as a young lady).
  • Beating the game once will unlock the next difficulty, which is more akin to a New Game Plus mode than a traditional difficulty setting, and will go up to Monster difficulty, the fourth difficulty level.
  • The difficulty level controls, as stated earlier, the possible formations to build.
  • For each question, candidates choose (without being able to see) the level of difficulty of the question proposed to them.
  • The songs are in 3 different difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, or Hard. In Reflec Beat Limelight, higher difficulty levels will be presented.

  • Because PPS can fatigue facial muscles, as well as cause dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), dysarthria (difficulty speaking) or aphonia (inability to produce speech), persons may become malnourished from difficulty eating.
  • Lingual thyroid may be asymptomatic, or give symptoms such as dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), dysphonia (difficulty talking) and dyspnea (difficulty breathing).
  • On Easy difficulty Pro mode, the game will only present single notes to the player; Medium difficulty introduces chords, while Hard difficulty is a less-dense version of the full guitar track charted for Expert mode.
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