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Usage Examples English
- Perhaps the grand finalé – and an appropriate transition to the following period – were the masterful creations of the Russian artist Peter Carl Fabergé, working for the Imperial Russian court, whose Fabergé eggs and jewellery pieces are still considered as the epitome of the goldsmith's art.
- In Josef Škvorecký's 1984 novel "The Engineer of Human Souls", Kurtz is seen as the epitome of exterminatory colonialism and, there and elsewhere, Škvorecký emphasises the importance of Conrad's concern with Russian imperialism in Eastern Europe.
- Virgil's references in the "Aeneid" generally agree with what Justin's epitome of Trogus recorded.
- The All-Conference Cheerleading Team is a recognition bestowed on select cheerleaders in the conference that exemplify the epitome of school spirit, leadership, athleticism, and academic excellence.
- In the Pseudo-Apollodorus "Epitome of the Bibliotheke" she is said to have been killed by Achilles, "who fell in love with the Amazon after her death and slew Thersites for jeering at him".
- Widely regarded as the epitome of Catalan cuisine and identity, some sources claim it is actually a relatively recent (mid to late 19th century) in all the Mediterranean coast of Spain.
- The statue was praised dutifully by many artists and critics as the epitome of graceful female beauty.
- the epitome of rap music in 1984 and had begun to rap following their lead.
- Photios' epitome of Philostorgius' "Church History" is the principle source for the work, which is now lost.
- Rowling described him as "the epitome of goodness".
- The Rio Grande was the epitome of mountain railroading, with a motto of "Through the Rockies, not around them" and later "Main line through the Rockies", both referring to the Rocky Mountains.
- Women loved him and thought him the epitome of romance.
- Being an epitome of Danish functionalist architecture, the campus has been nicknamed "Rustenborg" (which roughly translates as "The Rusty Castle") by students and staff, because it is built from gray concrete slabs clad with weathering steel, in an early architectural use of that material.
- quand je dors" in which Petrarch and Laura are invoked as the epitome of erotic love.
- Logical positivists especially opposed Martin Heidegger's obscure metaphysics, the epitome of what logical positivism rejected.
- He remains a major figure in Luxembourgish history and folklore and is considered by many historians the epitome of chivalry in medieval times.
- The character was a plain-speaking American who becomes an example for Nova Scotians to follow in his industry and practicality; and his uncouth manners and vanity were the epitome of qualities that his creator detested.
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