Translation for '
error' from English to Bulgarian
| NOUN | an error | errors |
| SYNO | computer error | erroneous belief | erroneousness | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- The forecast error needs to be calculated using actual sales as a base.
- Precise parallax measurements of distance have an associated error.
- ON ERROR is an error-trapping statement that allows BASIC to suspend an error that might otherwise stop a BASIC program from running and perform an error-handling routine instead.
- In standard ARQ a transmission must be received error free on any given transmission for the error detection to pass.
- One "error" point is given for each degree of error on temperature, and 4 error points are given for each error in precipitation category.
- Error tolerance decreases as nominal quantity increases, by alternating intervals of a given "percentage" error with intervals of a given "amount" error: these interpolate between the stepwise decreases in percentage error.
- Using the error values and error location, correct the errors and form a corrected code vector by subtracting error values at error locations.
- Business applications can fail when an unexpected error occurs.
- An action (such as an error made by the court) is prejudicial if it substantially affects a litigant's legal rights.
- Error handling in many other languages is done through the use of exceptions.
- The survey literature decomposes nonsampling errors into five general sources or types: specification error, frame error, nonresponse error, measurement error, and processing error.
- In communication systems with very low uncorrected bit error rates, such as modern fiber optic transmission systems, or systems with higher low-level error rates that are corrected using large amounts of forward error correction, errored seconds are often a better measure of the effective user-visible error rate than the raw bit error rate.
- The two major causes of error, coined by the error analysis approach, are the Interlingual error which is an error made by the Learner's Linguistic background and Native language interference, and the Intralingual error which is the error committed by the learners when they misuse some Target Language rules, considering that the error cause lies within and between the target language itself and the Learners false application of certain target language rules.
- In APL, error number 5 is "length error"; error number 11 is "domain error"; and error number 0 is a "catch all" for error numbers 1 to 999.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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