Translation for '
eternity' from English to Bulgarian
| NOUN | an eternity | eternities |
| SYNO | eternity | infinity | timeless existence | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- Kraft made a distinction between time and eternity writing that "the finite can never obtain eternity, but it can obtain an infinite time, (Aevum) or a time with beginning but without end."
- Roy features in New Zealand filmmaker Sarah Cordery's 2016 documentary feature film "notes to eternity", in which she addresses her Jewish heritage and long-standing work on the Israel-Palestine conflict.
- Buppah returns to her apartment, where she will likely stay for eternity. Ake's ghost, now legless, sits outside in the hallway and apologizes to Buppah for the rest of his ghost eternity.
- Opus" comic strip, he is encouraged by the ghost of Elvis and Breathed himself to choose someplace where he can spend eternity in peace.
- He also has some 'eternity-friends' and an 'eternity-dog' called Missräkningen (The miscalculation).
- In this table, code value 20 is the regular SPACE character, and code value DC is the eternity sign, which has, since 2013, a designated point in Unicode U+58E (LEFT-FACING ARMENIAN ETERNITY SIGN) and another for its right-facing variant: U+58D (RIGHT-FACING ARMENIAN ETERNITY SIGN).
- Petrarch finds consolation in the almighty God and the prospect of being reunited with Laura in heaven and timeless eternity. Eternity is not represented allegorically.
- "Lost on the Road to Eternity" is about people being lost and needing guidance in life, "the road to eternity" being an analogy for life. The theme on the album cover is taken from this track.
- ... 2) The second objection Lewis responds to is the disproportion between eternal damnation and transitory sin: if hell is for eternity then it as a punishment far outweighs anything we could do on earth.
- Robert C Neville called "Time and Eternity" “the most sophisticated treatment of eternity and time in our century so far”.
- Justification from eternity is a concept within Protestant theology asserting that the justification of a believer takes place at least partially in eternity past.
- The Neoplatonist philosopher Proclus (412 – 485 AD) advanced in his "De Aeternitate Mundi" (On the Eternity of the World) eighteen proofs for the eternity of the world, resting on the divinity of its creator.
- The Armenian eternity sign, since 2013, is assigned Unicode U+058D (֍ – RIGHT-FACING ARMENIAN ETERNITY SIGN) and, for its left-facing variant, U+058E (֎ – LEFT-FACING ARMENIAN ETERNITY SIGN).
- By contrast, Dentschewa (2005) argued for a Lombardic interpretation of " [...] ", meaning 'I do not await eternity, I am eternity'.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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