 Translation for 'fault' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN1   a fault | faults
NOUN2   fault | -
VERB   to fault | faulted | faulted
faulting | faults
SYNO break | defect | demerit | ...
fault {noun}вина {ж}
fault {noun}грешка {ж}
fault {noun}недостатък {м}
fault {noun} [defect]дефект {м}
4 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Prior to control reconfiguration, it must be at least determined whether a fault has occurred (fault detection) and if so, which components are affected (fault isolation).
  • The Philippine Fault System, including the Digdig Fault, which has been assessed as the causative fault of the July 16 1990 Luzon earthquake, and the San Manuel Fault, Bulangit Fault and the San Roque Fault are some of the major fault lines crossing the river.
  • The county is situated over a sequence of prominent faults, primarily the Killadeas – Seskinore Fault, the Tempo – Sixmilecross Fault, the Belcoo Fault and the Clogher Valley Fault which cross-cuts Lough Erne.
  • The Big Spring Fault, the San Juan Fault, the Morales Fault, and the White Rock Fault are small faults that run parallel to the San Andreas Fault along the Caliente Range on the western boundary of the Carrizo Plain.
  • There are dominantly two sets of fault system existed in Hainan Island, one set was trending east and the other was trending northeast.

  • The valley is an active earthquake zone crossed by multiple fault and thrust lines.
  • The Southern Upland Fault is accompanied by a group of associated faults subparallel to the main fault, including Kerse Loch Fault, Littlemill Fault, Leadhills Fault and Glenmuir Fault.
  • The Kneža Fault ([...]; [...]) is a fault in Slovenia.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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