 Translation for 'foreword' from English to Bulgarian
NOUN   a foreword | forewords
SYNO foreword | preface | prolusion
foreword {noun}предговор {м}
foreword {noun}предисловие {ср}
2 translations
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Translation for 'foreword' from English to Bulgarian

foreword {noun}
предговор {м}

предисловие {ср}
Usage Examples English
  • In 1979 Coello wrote his first book of poems entitled "Dunes, Oysters and Doorbells" ("De dunas, ostras y timbres") was published with a foreword by Washington Delgado Tresierra.
  • In 2016 she was invited to write the foreword to photographer Diego Quiros' fine art photography book, "Alchimie Photographique".
  • The foreword was written by Joma Sison, the head of the Philippine Communist Party.
  • Universal tried to improve their serials by eliminating the written foreword at the start of each chapter.
  • Former Senator Paul Simon authored the foreword. Tom Brokaw authored the foreword.

  • Selous also wrote the foreword to Africa's most popular man-eater story: "The man-eaters of Tsavo and other East African Adventures by Lieut.-Col.
  • A foreword is a (usually short) piece of writing, sometimes placed at the beginning of a book or other piece of literature.
  • Clare's poems and essays have been published in "Sojourner: The Women’s Forum",'s expanded edition, published in 2009, was a finalist for Foreword's 2009 INDIES Book of the Year Award.
  • In August, another illustrated book was published by him with 101 works with a foreword by Lai Shaoqi.
  • The book contains a foreword ostensibly by McKenzie Wark, though it was actually subcontracted to a ghostwriter in Lahore, Pakistan, for seventy-five dollars via

  • Gordon wrote the foreword for astronaut Al Worden's 2011 book, "Falling to Earth: An Apollo 15 Astronaut's Journey to the Moon", as well as the foreword to the 2010 book "Footprints in the Dust: The Epic Voyages of Apollo, 1969–1975", edited by Colin Burgess.
  • His collection of poems “Dharohar” (1995) has a foreword by Late Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee and his book “Environment, A Will To Fail” (1999) has a foreword by Dr.
  • Amongst his most notable books were "Berlin, Das Gesicht Der Stadt" (Berlin, Portrait of a City) and "Paris" (with a foreword by Paul Morand).
  • The story was collected into a trade paperback, with a foreword by Ramsey Campbell (...).
  • According to Miller's foreword, unlike most other translations, the Gutnick edition does not intersperse transliterations among the translations; this is intended to make the text more reader-friendly.

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