 Translation for 'greater cane rat' from English to Bulgarian
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greater cane rat {noun} [Thryonomys swinderianus]
голям тръстиков плъх {м}
greater hoopoe-lark {noun} [Alaemon alaudipes]
папунякова чучулига {ж}
greater bird-of-paradise {noun} [Paradisaea apoda]
голяма райска птица {ж}
brown rat {noun} [Rattus norvegicus]
сив плъх {м}
4 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • He appeared in a January 2007 episode of the American travel show "Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations", where he is shown playing music, discussing his music, and enjoying a lunch of stewed greater cane rat with host Anthony Bourdain.
  • The red-flanked duiker was one of the four most frequent species of bushmeat on sale in the Republic of Guinea, along with Maxwell's duiker ("Cephalophus maxwelli"), the greater cane rat ("Thryonomys swinderianus") and the bushbuck ("Tragelaphus scriptus").
  • In southern Africa the rodents taken included greater cane rat ("Thryonomys swinderianus"), vlei rats "Otomys" spp., African marsh rat ("Dasmys incomtus") and four-striped grass mouse ("Rhabdomys pumilio").
  • The greater cane rat ("Thryonomys swinderianus"), also known as the grasscutter (in Ghana, Nigeria and other regions of West Africa), is one of two species of cane rats, a small family of African hystricognath rodents.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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