 Translation for 'green card' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN   a green card | green cards
green card {noun}зелена карта {ж}
Partial Matches
card {noun}карта {ж} [за игра]
business card {noun}визитка {ж}
green {adj}зелен
student identity card {noun}
студентска карта {ж}
dark green {adj}тъмнозелен
pale green {adj}бледозелен
green salad {noun}зелена салата {ж}
green tea {noun}
зелен чай {м}
green rosella {noun} [Platycercus caledonicus]
зелена розела {ж}
green heron {noun} [Butorides virescens]
зеленогърба чапла {ж}
green sandpiper {noun} [Tringa ochropus]
голям горски водобегач {м}
green anaconda {noun} [Eunectes murinus]
зелена анаконда {ж}
green anaconda {noun} [Eunectes murinus]
гигантска анаконда {ж}
green shield bug {noun} [Palomena prasina]
вонещица {ж}
green shield bug {noun} [Palomena prasina]
миризливка {ж}
green-billed toucan {noun} [Ramphastos dicolorus]
червеногръд тукан {м}
western green mamba {noun} [Dendroaspis viridis]
западна зелена мамба {ж}
Hallowell's green mamba {noun} [Dendroaspis viridis]
западна зелена мамба {ж}
West African green mamba {noun} [Dendroaspis viridis]
западна зелена мамба {ж}
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Usage Examples English
  • De Rossi was married to documentary filmmaker Mel Metcalfe from 1996 to 1999, initially part of a plan to get a green card, though she did not go through with the plan.
  • Visitors wishing to drive must possess a Certificate of Insurance or an International Green Card, a valid Driving Licence or International Driving Permit (UK International Driving Permits are not valid).
  • Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates The CHAS scheme was further expanded in 2019 to include a new green card that provides for all Singaporeans no matter their household income.
  • He was unable to get a United States Permanent Resident Card (green card), so he started writing novels, as this did not require a work permit.
  • Team representatives must show a green card marked with a black "T" on the timekeeper's desk.

  • On "The Chris Matthews Show" on 16 April 2011, Sullivan confirmed that he had become a permanent resident, showing his green card.
  • The visa allows former victims of sex trafficking to stay in the United States for 3 years and then apply for a green card.
  • The United States allows post-Legion enlistment in its National Guard of career soldiers (up to the rank of captain) who are Green Card holders.
  • Before presenting the award to Mexican Alejandro González Iñárritu for "Birdman", Penn joked, "Who gave this son of a bitch his green card?
  • The 2006 mockumentary/documentary "Pittsburgh" centers on actor Jeff Goldblum as he attempts to secure a green card for his Canadian actor/singer/dancer girlfriend, Catherine Wreford, by appearing with her as the leads in a summer regional theatre production of "The Music Man" in Goldblum's hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

  • In the rare event that there are technical issues with a start, a green card is shown to all the athletes.
  • "Green Card: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack" was released on 22 January 1991 on Varèse Sarabande.
  • Since April 1998 a 'green card' has been awarded to companies that meet their Omanisation targets and comply with the eligibility criteria for labour relations.
  • Any deliberate foul should receive a minimum of a green card- either immediately or at the next break in play if playing advantage.
  • Prostitution is legal in the Netherlands, with the exception of street prostitution, but work permits are not issued in the form of a green card for prostitution; therefore legally working in the trade is limited mostly to EU citizens or foreign permanent residents.

    © English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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