Translation for '
hide' from English to Bulgarian
| NOUN | a hide | hides |
| VERB | to hide | hid | hidden / [archaic, poet.] hid hiding | hides |
| SYNO | fell | hide | pelt | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
4 translations
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Usage Examples English
- In 2005, construction started on a state-of-the-art bird hide at Cors Caron.
- Fools Crow watches a "yellow hide" and notices that images are forming within the hide.
- Some of the lyrics to the song are engraved on hide's tombstone.
- Hide glue is made from animal hide (animal skin) and is often used in woodworking.
- A hide box is a box placed in an animal's enclosure which allows it to hide from view.
- Kyle Bunting is a textile designer specializing in handcrafted hair-on-hide rugs.
- Another anecdote is that the hide rafts were invented by Tibetan people.
- All three of them have something to hide and something to hide from in the snowy wilderness.
- On the south bank of the Tsendze river a short way downstream of Mopani is the Shipandani sleep-over bird hide.
- "Hide and Sneak": The friends are playing an epic game of Animal Star Rangers Hide-and-Seek to save the galaxy!
- Washakie was a hide painter. An 1880 painted elk hide at the Glenbow Museum is attributed to him. The hide painting portrays the Sun Dance.
- In November 2011 a new bird hide was erected by Warwickshire County Council allowing birdwatchers to observe birds in their natural habitat. A previous bird hide had been burnt down in December 2010.
- The Mulliner Driving Specification includes drilled alloy sport foot-pedals, knurled chrome/hide gear lever, diamond quilted hide to seat facings, doors and rear quarter panels.
- T.M.Revolution took part in the "hide memorial summit", a music festival to honor the tenth anniversary of the death of X Japan guitarist hide.
- YB – Hide and Go Peek: Yogi helps an escaped circus elephant hide from two ruthless guards.
- Weirns are able to hide their astrals from view simply by telling them to hide. With their astrals hidden, weirns appear to be normal humans.
- The rhinoceros-hide armour was of seven folds or links, one over another; the wild-buffalo's-hide armour was of six folds or links; and the armour, made of two hides together was of five folds or links.
- An acoustic rendition of the song, referred to as "50% & 50% (Crystal Lake Version)", appears on hide's first studio album "Hide Your Face".
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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