| NOUN | a hydrogeology | hydrogeologies |
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Usage Examples English
- He is particularly concerned with the hydrogeology of sedimentary basins, and with ore deposit formation.
- The science of hydrogeology is used to determine safe water extraction levels. Water can go through dams that are used to regulate or stop water from coming though, creating hydroelectricity.
- In hydrogeology, the "δ"18O and "δ"2H composition in groundwater are often used to study the origin of groundwater and groundwater recharge.
- 1982 he has defended a Candidate thesis in hydrogeology.
- In hydrogeology, volumetric specific storage is much more commonly encountered than mass specific storage. Consequently, the term specific storage generally refers to volumetric specific storage.
- More book titles can be found in the "further reading" section of the hydrogeology article, most of which contain some material on aquifer test analysis or the theory behind these test methods.
- In subsurface hydrology (hydrogeology), a hydrograph is a record of the water level (the observed hydraulic head in wells screened across an aquifer).
- He received his master of engineering degree in hydrogeology and doctor of engineering degree in hydrogeology from China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) in 1987 and 1990, respectively.
- Norah Dowell Stearns (1891–1954) was an American hydrogeologist from Providence, Rhode Island. She was one of the earliest-known women to contribute to hydrogeology.
- Kamini Singha (born 1977) is a Professor in the department of Geology and Geological Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines, where she works on questions related to hydrogeology.
- Keystone College has a hydrogeology laboratory on Ackerly Creek.
- The well preserved geomorphic evidence of the Belubula Valley and the Cliefden Caves record of the area's hydrogeology, have the potential to yield further information on the landscape evolution of the Eastern Highlands.
- Iñaki Antigüedad Auzmendi (born 1955, Bilbao) is a Basque geologist and politician. He is professor of hydrogeology at the University of the Basque Country, and leader of Amaiur.
- Hydrogeology ("hydro-" meaning water, and "-geology" meaning the study of the Earth) is the area of geology that deals with the distribution and movement of groundwater in the soil and rocks of the Earth's crust (commonly in aquifers).
- Meinzer Award is the annual award of the Hydrogeology Division of the Geological Society of America.
- Also some sections have moved between the survey and other departments. For example, the hydrogeology section was moved to the Waters and Rivers Commission in 1996.
- In 1965, the university opened a subdepartment devoted to hydrogeology thanks to Hollingworth's initiative.
- Fluid flows can be altered in different lithological settings by brittle deformation of rocks in fault zones; the mechanisms by which this occurs are the subject of fault zone hydrogeology.
- Leo Picard ([...] , 3 June 1900 – 4 April 1997), was an Israeli geologist and an expert in the field of hydrogeology.
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