Translation for '
hydrology' from English to Bulgarian
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Usage Examples English
- For his achievements in developing models for dynamic hydrology and eco-hydrology.
- Hydropedology is an emerging field formed from the intertwining branches of soil science and hydrology.
- For each of these definitions and others, regardless of the purpose, hydrology is emphasized (shallow waters, water-logged soils).
- The department include Hydrogeology, Hydro-Geophysics, Administration and Finance, Hydrogeo-informatics, operational hydrology, as well as Engineering Hydrology.
- The Department of Environmental Hydrology and Microbiology hosts researchers who specialize in hydrology, hydrogeology, chemistry, and microbiology.
- "Hydrology in Practice" has been described by CRC Press as "likely to be the course text for every undergraduate/MSc hydrology course in the UK".
- The textbook is described by the publisher as "likely to be the course text for every undergraduate/MSc hydrology course in the UK".
- Lynn Walter Gelhar (born 1936) is an American civil engineer focusing in hydrology and is currently Professor Emeritus at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- Sivapalan has served at various times on the editorial boards of almost all international hydrology journals, including Hydrological Processes, Hydrological Sciences Journal, Advances in Water, Journal of Hydrology and Water Resources Research.
- Socio-hydrology can be related to integrated water resources management (IWRM).
- Dirhami has a cargo and passenger port, a post office and the hydrology station of the Estonian Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology.
- Glacial hydrology is a part of surface-water hydrology; some of the runoff from glaciers and snow also involves groundwater hydrology concepts.
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