 Translation for 'hyperactive' from English to Bulgarian
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ADJ   hyperactive | more hyperactive | most hyperactive
SYNO hyperactive | overactive
hyperactive {adj}хиперактивен
hyperactive {adj}
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Translation for 'hyperactive' from English to Bulgarian

hyperactive {adj}

unverified свръхактивенпсих.
Usage Examples English
  • has been shown to accurately identify 87% of individuals without ADHD, 84% of non-hyperactive ADHD, and 90% of the hyperactive ADHD, but should never be used solely as a diagnostic tool for those testing for attention deficit disorders or with a traumatic brain injury.
  • Played by Matt Meese, he is a hyperactive child. Often gets repeating items, such as an Xbox or iPhone, and will say "Cool, now I have two..."
  • The 1245C allele encodes for a missense and hyperactive enzyme that increases extragonadal androgen synthesis and is associated with poorer outcomes after androgen deprivation therapy in prostate cancer.
  • The entire resolvase recombination reaction can be reproduced "in vitro", requiring only resolvase, a substrate DNA and multivalent cations, using either wild type protein or hyperactive mutants.
  • As a child, Danko was hyperactive, but was diagnosed in an era before Ritalin became mainstream.

  • Using fly genetics the PEtOH was shown to mediates alcohol's hyperactive response in fruit flies.
  • Mukka is an extremely hyperactive purple monkey. He has a lucky object called Fluffy Stuff and a pet lump called Lumpy. Voiced by Wim Booth.
  • Most autoimmune disorders are believed to involve hyperactive TH1 or TH17 immune responses that are down-regulated by the promotion of a TH2 response by helminths.
  • The Canadian pediatrician Guy Falardeau, besides working with hyperactive children, also wrote about very dreamy, quiet and well-behaved children that he encountered in his practice.
  • Children with hyperactivity taking this drug during periods of learning better retained that information during subsequent periods of methylphenidate use, illustrating the effectiveness of methylphenidate in facilitating learning in children diagnosed with hyperactive disorders.

  • Wally: The Drabbles' hyperactive dachshund. Wally was introduced in Christmas 1998 when Norman gave Ralph a dog because he couldn't afford something.
  • Asian small-clawed otters suffering from osteoporosis display resorption of hyperactive bone and cartilage by osteoclasts in many bone sites, which causes pockmarks on all the bones.
  • "Poppin" is a hyperactive hip hop track with elements of trap and mumble rap.
  • Disruptive daydreams or spontaneous daydreaming is also characteristic of people with attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD).
  • Martin Short played a hyperactive nerd. Ed originally appeared as a recurring character in the Canadian series, "SCTV". Debuted on SNL October 6, 1984.

  • Some of these peptide effects are age-dependent, such as the induction of sleep-like state in young mice and hyperactive behavior in older mice.
  • As a child Acker was hyperactive, so his parents encouraged him to draw.
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