 Translation for 'ice' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN   ice | -
VERB   to ice | iced | iced
icing | ices
SYNO frappe | frosting | ice | ...
ice {noun}лед {м}
ice cream {noun}
сладолед {м}
ice mummy {noun}
ледена мумия {ж}
ice skating {noun}ледена пързалка {ж}
ice-breaker {noun}
ледоразбивач {м}
chocolate ice cream {noun}
шоколадов сладолед {м}
6 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Truro Island was the base camp for several Collaborative Interdisciplinary Cryospheric Experiment ("C-ICE") studies which provide data on atmosphere, sea ice, and ocean interaction, including "C-ICE'2000", "C-ICE'2001", and "C-ICE'2002".
  • Winter sports in Spiti include ice-skating, ice-hockey, skiing, and ice-climbing.
  • Cube ice machines are classified as small ice machines, in contrast to tube ice machines, flake ice machines, or other ice machines.
  • The many phases of ice form the cryosphere and come in forms like ice sheets, glaciers, sea ice, freshwater ice, snow, and frozen ground (or permafrost).
  • This is a list of ice companies. Ice companies manufacture and market ice and are involved in the ice trade. Some ice companies manufacture and market dry ice.

  • Chocolate Shoppe Ice Cream Co. is an ice cream company based in Madison, Wisconsin that manufactures and distributes ice cream, Italian ice, oat ice cream, and no sugar added ice cream.
  • The King Baudouin ice shelf is confined by two ice rises (including Derwael Ice Rise) and one under-ice pinning-point with a width of only a few kilometres; the latter seems to define the seaward edge of the ice shelf and impacts ice flow in the hinterland.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
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