 Translation for 'improbability' from English to Bulgarian
NOUN   improbability | improbabilities
SYNO improbability | improbableness
improbability {noun}невероятност {ж}
improbability {noun}неправдоподобност {ж}
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Some of the funeral homes that were asked to supply coffins at night time first thought they were receiving prank calls due to the supposed improbability of such a severe accident.
  • The extreme improbability of life and a universe capable of hosting it requires explanation, but Dawkins considers the God hypothesis inferior to evolution by natural selection as an explanation for the complexity of life.
  • The improbability of the identification with Krastos and the controversial localization of Demenna, does not exclude that the actual habitation was born by the progressive abandonment of the settlement located more towards the mountain which is a common phenomenon in Apennine regions.
  • Another geographic improbability occurs with the return flight the main characters take, which heads "west" from India to California (via TWA).
  • The evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins explains Dollo's law as being simply a statement about the improbability of evolution's following precisely the same path twice.

  • The review in "The Washington Post" accentuated the positives before dissecting "a bad movie idea" and its predictable improbability.
  • This improbability must therefore be coupled with all the other improbabilities mentioned above.
  • Cottee's interviewees inform their intellectual doubts about perceived religious inconsistencies in Islam like, the barbarism of certain verses in the Qur'an, the improbability of the existence of God, the wickedness of the possibility of God creating Hell, discontent with the treatment of women, and more.
  • The name of the album refers to the improbability of a rock band from Natal having achieved international success.
  • La Bruère amalgamated second rank mythological elements and epic reminiscences of the Italian Renaissance in an action of consummate improbability: the plot had to be amended several times to counter criticism.

  • Instead, they argue that a pipeline between Israel, Cyprus and Turkey would be the most economically beneficial option, acknowledging, however, its improbability due to the Cyprus problem.
  • The improbability of DiMaggio's hitting streak ever being broken has been attributed to increased bullpen use, including specialist relievers.
  • The purpose of the rules for excluding liability is ‘the inherent improbability that the other party… intended to release the proferens from a liability that would otherwise fall upon him.
  • Conspiracy theories are elaborate packages of interconnected assertions with respect to powerful conspirators which are typically characterized by improbability; however, actual political conspiracies such as the Watergate breakin and coverup do exist.
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