 Translation for 'in time with' from English to Bulgarian
in time with {adv}в такт с
Partial Matches
to be in love with {verb}влюбен съм в
in no time {adv}за нула време
to pale by / in comparison with sth. [fig.] {verb} бледнея в сравнение с нщ. [прен.]
in no time flat {adv} [coll.]за нула време [веднага]
Once Upon a Time in the West [Sergio Leone]
Имало едно време на Запад [Серджо Леоне]
In Search of Lost Time [also: Remembrance of Things­ Past] [Marcel Proust]
По следите на изгубеното време [Марсел Пруст]
unverified overloaded (with{adj} {past-p}препълнен (с)
reckon with {verb}вземам под внимание
with {prep} <w/>със
with {prep} <w/>с
to blend (with{verb}смесва се (с)
with that saidимайки предвид това
with a vengeance {adv}здравата [разг.]
with no accent {adj}без акцент
with your permissionс ваше разрешение
to fiddle with sth. {verb}занимавам се [несв.] с нщ.
to fiddle with sth. {verb}играя си с нщ.
unverified with a shrug {adv} вдигам рамене,повдигам рамене,все ми е едно
to put up with sth. {verb}примирявам се с нщ. [несв.]
to acquaint sb. with sth. {verb}запознавам нкг. с нщ. [несв.]
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • As opposed to a lift, aerial is a step where a partner needs to be thrown into the air and then landed in time with the music.
  • ] time with some similarities to Scottish strathspeys, which are also played in Donegal, are one of the most commonly played types of tune in the county.
  • ] time with a preponderance of quaver rhythms. Bach uses close but not exact imitation: the musical pattern in one part reappears a bar later in another (sometimes inverted).
  • Every fourth year there was an extra Litheday, most likely as an adaptation, similar to a leap year, to ensure that the calendar remained in time with the seasons.
  • In the 'chipping' sequences in "Y Gaseg Eira" and "Hunting the Hare" the arms are raised in turn and in time with the single stepping which accompanies it.

  • The angle may be measured in degrees or in time, with 24h = 360° exactly.
  • It was discovered in time with eight conspirators executed, including Guy Fawkes, who became the iconic evil traitor in English lore.
  • What this means is that halteres beat up and down in time with the flapping of the wings along a linear pathway, but when the fly's body begins to rotate, the path of the beating halteres also changes.
  • Pushing a person in a swing in time with the natural interval of the swing (its resonant frequency) makes the swing go higher and higher (maximum amplitude), while attempts to push the swing at a faster or slower tempo produce smaller arcs.
  • They generally do not march in time with the music, but, as their name implies, scramble from design to design and often incorporate comedic elements into their performances.

  • The variation causes observed changes in the speed of Venus's zonal winds and appears to rise and fall in time with the Sun's 11-year sunspot cycle.
  • These act as gyroscopic organs and are rapidly oscillated in time with the wings; they act as a balance and guidance system by providing rapid feedback to the wing-steering muscles, and flies deprived of their halteres are unable to fly.
  • Several of these groups are hypothetical at this point in time, with no members having yet been discovered; as such, the names they have been given are provisional.
  • At any position "x", "y"("x","t") simply oscillates in time with an amplitude that varies in the "x"-direction as [...].
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) "Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI)" supports the symbol "a" as the unit of time for a year.

  • ] time with [...] processors. Randomized algorithms can solve the problem in [...] time on [...] processors [...] (this is superpolynomial).
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