Translation for '
incautious' from English to Bulgarian
| ADJ | incautious | more incautious | most incautious |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
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Usage Examples English
- With his incautious approach, Lucky Luke finds himself compelled to act as the preacher's escort.
- Hill died in 1865 at the age of 48, possibly a victim of his long and incautious exposure to the many extremely poisonous and corrosive chemicals involved in his experiments.
- Charles Edwin Mitchell (October 6, 1877 – December 14, 1955) was an American banker whose incautious securities policies facilitated the speculation which led to the Crash of 1929.
- Most instances have occurred after incautious logging and have been well contained.
- He was widely criticised in the media for this, with some critics noting that he had condemned President Bill Clinton's "incautious behavior", though others wrote in his defence.
- Ambiguous expressions in some anti-Catholic writings could lead incautious readers to suppose that the text in the "Liber Diurnus Romanorum Pontificum" was used by all newly elected Popes until the eleventh century and that it had been in use since the fifth century.
- FLIR devices are also used to see periscopes or snorkels at night whenever a submariner might be incautious enough to probe the surface.
- She meets with a minor road accident due to incautious driving and sprains her ankle.
- The only real possibility to attack while standing in this position is by running into a highly incautious opponent.
- The church walls and pillars were decorated with frescoes: most of them are not visible now because of an incautious whitewashing of the walls.
- There are no recorded cases of a human sting from "Chirodectes" as it "failed either to sting, or adhere to, the hand and forearm of an incautious volunteer" during the examination, but it is assumed – due to its relatively large size and to the extremely venomous nature of some chirodropids – that "Chirodectes" is itself venomous.
- In regions that suffer from a high prevalence of infectious diseases, both men and women report lower levels of sociosexuality, as the costs of an incautious lifestyle (i.e., being unrestricted) may outweigh the benefits.
- Laird Wilcox, an analyst of political fringe movements, has said the SPLC has taken an incautious approach to assigning the labels "hate group" and "extremist".
- Chief Justice Roberts wrote a concurrence where he argued that the Court's opinion, with its discussion of the public safety concerns addressed by SORNA, could lead "incautious readers" to surmise the Court was endorsing a non-existent federal police power, citing "United States v.
- They exceeded "lawfulness" adopting an "incautious and damaging conduct".
- The central tower of the church collapsed in 1827 due to structural flaws and incautious repairs inside the church. Collapse did not cause any injuries but many medieval furnishings were destroyed .
- While Bauer and Richter were reprimanded for careless and incautious conflict of interest, they had not profited directly or indirectly from the loans made to Barmat by the Prussian State Bank.
- The five spikes are the "Murrens hardest part and may hurt the palate of incautious eaters.
- The green end of the stick is always held uppermost, so that any blood shed in an incautious stick clash is disguised by dripping onto the lower red band.
- Peepholes through walls, overly helpful laboratory assistants, and incautious conversations between researchers were common occurrences in Puthoff and Targ's laboratories [...].
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