 Translation for 'into' from English to Bulgarian
into {prep}във
2 Words
unverified to jab (into{verb}забивам [несв.] (в)
unverified to step into {verb}влизам в [несв.]
unverified to walk into {verb}влизам [несв.]
3 Words
to coax sb. into doing sth. {verb}уговарям нкг. да направи нщ.
to coax sb. into doing sth. {verb} убеждавам нкг. да направи нщ.
to coax sb. into doing sth. {verb} предразполагам нкг. да направи нщ.
to take sb. into custody {verb}арестувам нкг. [несв.]
to take sb. into custody {verb} задържам нкг. [несв.] [арестувам]
5+ Words
to break out into a cold sweat {verb}избива ме студена пот
to celebrate into the wee hours {verb} празнувам до малките часове
11 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • The east end of Table Mountain drains into Rondout Creek, thence into the Hudson River, and into New York Bay.
  • After settling into secretive run air strikes against communist infiltrators into Laos, Yankee Team morphed into Operation Barrel Roll.
  • Legions may be grouped into superlegions or subdivided into sublegions, and these again into infralegions.
  • In 2016, Hughes expanded HughesNet into Brazil, marking its first international expansion of the service.
  • "Mirèio" was translated into some fifteen European languages, including into French by Mistral himself. In 1863, Charles Gounod made it into an opera, "Mireille".

  • Four of the districts were renamed: Ledengsky into Babushkinsky, Shuysky into Mezhdurechensky, Sverdlovsky into Sokolsky, and Verkhne-Chagodoshchensky into Chagodoshchensky.
  • The first book was translated into Polish (1959, "Tajemniczy cylinder"), into Slovak (1970) and into Hungarian (1971, "Sündisznó a ketrecben").
  • "Di mishpokhe Mashber" ("The Family Mashber") was translated into Hebrew in 1962, into French in 1984, into English by Leonard Wolf in 1987, into German in 1990, and into Dutch in 2002 by Willy Brill.
  • Embryos will hatch into planktonic larvae which later metamorphose into pentamerous juveniles. These develop into young sea stars with short, stubby arms.
  • The architects, Zecc Architecten, have also redeveloped water towers in Sint Jansklooster (into a look-out tower), Den Bosch (into a restaurant and office), Lutten (into a bed and breakfast) en Soest (into housing).

  • Cochabamba Department is divided into 16 provinces (...), which are further subdivided into 47 municipalities (...) and – on the fourth level – into 144 cantons.
  • Jordan is divided into three regions, further into twelve governorates ("muhafatha"), further subdivided into districts ("liwa"), and often into sub-districts ("qada").
  • Cytoplasmic IFs assemble into non-polar unit-length filaments (ULFs).
  • The series was translated from Japanese into English, into German as "Puschel, das Eichhorn", into Afrikaans as "Pokkel die eekhoring" into Arabic and into Spanish as "Banner y Flappy".
  • Her poetry has been translated into English by Helen Wolh Paterson, into Portuguese by Ilka Sanchez, into French by Henri de Lescoet and Marcel Hennard, into Italian by Gino Rovida and Vicenso Josía, and into Greek by Olga Papastamou.

  • Jordan is divided into 12 administrative divisions, each called a Governorate.
  • The story has been rewritten and adapted numerous times into other languages (e.g. into Ukrainian by Ivan Franko; into Polish by Julian Tuwim; into Bulgarian by Ran Bosilek).
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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