Translation for '
intolerable' from English to Bulgarian
| ADJ | intolerable | more intolerable | most intolerable |
| SYNO | intolerable | unbearable | unendurable |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
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Usage Examples English
- In 2014 a famous dictum of his, from a ruling in a multi-level marketing (MLM) pyramid scheme case, "an intolerable potential to deceive," was newly immortalized in the title of a book, "Downline...
- Loud music is music played at a volume considered intolerable to others.
- The final resolve in this document refers to all of the intolerable acts, and states that under the Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress, they are prohibited and illegal.
- The resulting "Woolf Report" concluded that conditions in the prison had been intolerable, and recommended major reform of the UK prison system.
- Of the twenty four students that Frazier started his residency with, only five were left. DeBakey, intolerable of error, fired most.
- However, continuing disputes with settlers proved intolerable and in 1868 Tītokowaru went to war.
- Authority: Many positions bear authority, yet any sort of negative pressure, fear, insecurity or disrespect caused by exploiting authority is intolerable.
- Cody's two main allegations against his wife were that she attempted to poison him on multiple occasions (this allegation was later proved false) and that she made living in North Platte "unbearable and intolerable" for Cody and his guests.
- Because of his intolerable fiscal charges, in 1717 an open revolt developed in the duchy.
- Matters remained in limbo throughout the 1970s, with residents accepting resumption of their properties as conditions became increasingly intolerable.
- Luke described translation as being "the art of the least intolerable sacrifice ... the instinctive choice between competing imperfections".
- The individuals involved in the included studies were terminally ill or suffering from refractory and intolerable symptoms.
- Rucart said this was "intolerable" given the low birthrate in France and the increasing vulnerability to attack.
- In 1640, don Melchor de Aguilera, Governor and Captain-General of Cartagena, resolved to remove the intolerable infestation of pirates on the island.
- The essential feature of a constructive dismissal The employee, in resigning, indicates that he would have carried on work indefinitely had not the intolerable situation been created.
- Wildberg's fourth marriage (her third), to novelist Ursula Parrott in 1934, ended in June 1938 on the grounds of his intolerable cruelty.
- A court may also refuse to order the return of a wrongfully removed child if the respondent demonstrates, by "clear and convincing evidence" that "there is a grave risk that his or her return would expose the child to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place the child in an intolerable situation."
- King Boabdil soon found his position intolerable. He left for Morocco in October 1493, where he would die some forty years later.
- The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has provided a 3-part test to determine whether or not a constructive discharge has occurred: (1) a reasonable person in the complainant's position would have found the working conditions intolerable; (2) conduct that constituted discrimination against the complainant created the intolerable working conditions; and (3) the complainant's involuntary resignation resulted from the intolerable working conditions.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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