 Translation for 'intolerably' from English to Bulgarian
SYNO intolerably | unacceptably
intolerably {adv}недопустимо
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Translation for 'intolerably' from English to Bulgarian

intolerably {adv}
Usage Examples English
  • The possibility of becoming a paid companion to a rich and solitary woman might have been a fall-back role but one that would have probably bored any of the sisters intolerably.
  • inevitably follows from his own past, and the absence of any outside instigator of evil makes us realize that the chief torture of the Damned is not so much physical pain as a perpetual and intolerably sharpened consciousness of their state".
  • Without these, contact wear would have been intolerably heavy.
  • Use of hash functions relies on statistical properties of key and function interaction: worst-case behaviour is intolerably bad with a vanishingly small probability, and average-case behaviour can be nearly optimal (minimal collision).
  • The term "egomania" is often used by laypersons in a pejorative fashion to describe an individual who is perceived as intolerably self-centered.

  • To escape, the open every drawer in the cupboard, releasing all the stolen sounds and causing a racket intolerably loud for Mr.
  • This transformed his social position, and one chronicler at Waltham Holy Cross complained how he "became intolerably puffed up ...
  • Fairbairn's 1944 paper introduced the psychoanalytic community to his alternative view of the structure of the human personality which he saw as being the result of dissociation of intolerably frustrating experiences with the individuals parents.
  • Our "interest" in government consists in "the security and protection, which we enjoy in political society", and therefore disappears as soon as the authorities become intolerably oppressive.
  • Based on the story about Philoctetes—the ancient Greek warrior whose wound smelled so intolerably noxious that he was banished to the uninhabited island of Lemnos and abandoned by his comrades-in-arms on the way to Troy—it has consequently also become a metaphor for AIDS, with Philoktetes as a plagued outcast.

  • Brachiopods were particularly severely hit, with almost all ostracod clades’ distributions during the time interval corresponding to the "serpentinum" zone shifting towards higher latitudes to escape intolerably hot conditions near the Equator.
  • In prison, Chen Qizi developed lice on his head which made him itched intolerably.
  • In another pan-Korean episode, there are originally two suns and two moons, making the world unbearably hot during the day and intolerably cold at night, until a deity destroys one of each.
  • He adds that his speeches were intolerably long and dull, and that "his rising always operated like a dinner bell" ("Memoirs", iii. ...
  • Humanists UK welcomed the bill but also criticised it for not addressing the needs of the intolerably suffering who are not terminally ill.

  • The infant refuses all food, crying incessantly and intolerably.
  • as euthanasia was still a criminal act in Germany during that time, and there is "no record of the Nazi doctors either killing or assisting in the suicide of a patient who was suffering intolerably from a fatal illness".
  • General anaesthesia is generally performed in an operating theater to allow surgical procedures that would otherwise be intolerably painful for a patient, or in an intensive care unit or emergency department to facilitate endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients.
  • Jane refuses to be bought off and confronts Jim, who protests that he is caught in an intolerably unhappy marital situation with a selfish, unscrupulous woman.
  • Personal characteristics also made the nobles agitated; although intelligent, John Albert was often described as supercilious and intolerably arrogant.

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