 Translation for 'introduce' from English to Bulgarian
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VERB   to introduce | introduced | introduced
introducing | introduces
SYNO to acquaint | to bring in | to bring out | ...
to introduce {verb}представям
May I introduce ...Може ли да Ви представя ...
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Unlike first-order upwind scheme, the MacCormack does not introduce diffusive errors in the solution.
  • In a treatment of predicate logic that allows one to introduce new predicate symbols, one will also want to be able to introduce new function symbols.
  • In the UK, ADI is lobbying the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to introduce a ban on the use of "certain non-domesticated animals” in traveling circuses in line with DEFRA's 2006 promise to introduce an Act.
  • Since 2008, Hunt has led an annual New York City trip to introduce students to top art directors and working illustrators as a way to introduce students to professional practices.
  • In 1934, after Cardinal Dougherty of Philadelphia called for a Roman Catholic boycott of all films, Cannon (himself a Catholic) announced plans to introduce a congressional bill, supported by both Democrats and Republicans, which would introduce Government oversight of film censorship.

  • It was reportedly Sophie Amalie, who on 10 October 1660 convinced Frederick III to go through with the plans to introduce absolutism by force in a difficult moment when the estates had refused to agree to introduce it.
  • The Chilean Pharmaceutical Policy was an attempt in the 1960s and 1970s to introduce a rational national pharmaceuticals policy.
  • "Incredibly Strange Films" helped introduce audiences to Russ Meyer and Herschell Gordon Lewis.
  • He would return in February 2016 at "Fastlane" to introduce Edge and Christian.
  • Van Tassel made the first balloon flights in New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado and helped invent and introduce methods of parachute jumping from balloons.

  • Florence developed a keen interest in her husband's work and used her strong personality to introduce changes.
  • One of the key points of the message to the Federal Assembly was the proposal to introduce a number of amendments to the Constitution that significantly change the balance of power.
  • In the mid-1980s, multinational fast food chains based abroad with presence in the Philippines began to introduce food items meant for the local market.
  • The changes would increase cost sharing by the insured, introduce sanctions against bad service and introduce the Swiss TARMED medical tariff.
  • In 2020, Threema expanded with video calls, plans to open-source its client-side apps and introduce reproducible builds of them, as well as introduce Threema Education, a variation of Threema intended for education institutions.

  • While FAS 157 does not introduce any new requirements mandating the use of fair value, the definition as outlined does introduce certain important differences.
  • Discussing doping in 2012, UCI president Pat McQuaid emphasised the fact that his organisation was "the first entity to introduce blood tests, the first sport to introduce the test for EPO".
  • There is currently an effort by Chamorro language advocates to introduce or re-introduce native terms for the Chamorro days of the week.
  • In Haskell, the backslash is used both to introduce special characters and to introduce lambda functions (since it is a reasonable approximation in ASCII of the Greek letter [...].
  • But these pronouns introduce other clauses as well; "what" can introduce interrogative content clauses ("I do not know what he did") and both "whatever" and "whoever" can introduce adverbials ("Whatever he did, he does not deserve this").

    © English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
    Links to this dictionary or to individual translations are very welcome!