 Translation for 'lenient' from English to Bulgarian
ADJ   lenient | more lenient | most lenient
SYNO indulgent | lenient | soft
lenient {adj}милостив
lenient {adj}снизходителен [милостив]
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Translation for 'lenient' from English to Bulgarian

lenient {adj}

снизходителен [милостив]
Usage Examples English
  • The Prosecution appealed, because they thought the original sentence was too lenient.
  • He became noted for his lenient disposition.
  • Pharmaceutical companies have criticized TPP for having too lenient intellectual property protections.
  • But in 1972, he wrote that the rabbinic establishment needed to be more lenient with the anticipated Russian Aliyah, given the circumstances of their lives in the Soviet Union.
  • The sentence was examined by the Attorney General and found not to be so unduly lenient as to be referred to the Court of Appeal under the unduly lenient sentence scheme.

  • Messas' halachic opinions were often original and surprisingly lenient, leading some to nickname him "Joseph the lenient" (יוסף המתיר), and for figures such as R' Ovadiah Yosef to say Messas' rulings could not be relied upon.
  • After the jury's verdict was read, Brennan said that because the jury had chosen to be lenient, he too must be lenient in his sentencing, and sentenced the men to seven years imprisonment.
  • In June 2018, after a referral under the unduly lenient sentence scheme, the Court of Appeal determined that while her sentence was undoubtedly "very lenient" it was not unduly so, and she was spared an increase of her sentence.
  • Victims' family members who were present expressed surprise and gratitude, faulting Mallery for accepting a deal they saw as too lenient.
  • At the trial Casse asked the jury to be lenient, and his assailant was acquitted.

  • Knight said the sentences given to the killers of the boy were too lenient and he would be referring the sentences to the Attorney General's Office for review under the unduly lenient sentence scheme.
  • Cases of domestic violence are often prosecuted under common assault, resulting in lenient sentences for the offenders such as six months or less.
  • Subsequent to the Chmielnicki massacres, Heschel was lenient in allowing "agunah"s (women whose husbands were only presumed dead) to remarry.
  • The Prosecutor has recommended lenient, one-year prison sentences, to take into account their "abnormal detention" in Guantanamo.
  • In the original Hebrew text of the "Mishneh Torah" of Maimonides, he takes a lenient approach that permits all that a man desires to do with his wife.

  • Varsity Cup universities has faced accusations of professionalism, and breaking eligibility rules. The punishments handed to guilty teams have also been seen as lenient.
  • The Saudi government encouraged those named on the list to surrender, and promised lenient treatment.
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