Translation for '
millennium' from English to Bulgarian
| NOUN | a millennium | millennia / millenniums |
| SYNO | millenary | millennium |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- The Woodland Trust's Woods on Your Doorstep project created 250 "Millennium woods" to celebrate the millennium.
- In the Late Chalcolithic 2 period (5th millennium BC) the site sustained a seasonal or dispersed occupation covering about 280 hectares.
- In 2000 the Ribchester Millennium Projects Committee marked the millennium with the publication of a book entitled "Ribchester: A Millennium Record".
- Various portions of Tulul al-Baqarat were occupied from the 4th millennium BC all the way up to the 1st millennium AD.
- 5 million in the 3rd millennium BC to possibly 2–3 million by the 1st millennium BC, before growing significantly towards the end of that millennium.
- Dalma ceramics were introduced in the region in the sixth millennium B.C.
- Promoting gender equality and empowering women was one of the millennium development goals now known as Sustainable Development Goals outlined in the United Nations Millennium Declaration and adopted by leaders from 189 countries at the Millennium Summit in September 2000.
- Alongside the tower is the Millennium Cross of St. Clement, one of twelve granite wayside crosses erected to mark the millennium in 2000-2001.
- Agriculture spread to Central and Southern Africa in the Bantu expansion during the 1st millennium BC to 1st millennium CE.
- The centre was one of the UK's Millennium Commission projects, developed to celebrate the turn of the millennium. Other Commission funded projects included the Millennium Dome and the London Eye.
- In the period from late third millennium to early second millennium, the antiquaries revealed an urban habitation with artisans' houses. Also unearthed were 62 double-tiered kilns, beads and seals.
- On 8 December 1999, to celebrate the coming 2000 millennium, three million $2 millennium notes were circulated.
- The Teesgate Millennium Footbridge was one of the few number of millennium footbridges to be actually completed in the millennium year, but unlike some high-profile millennium footbridges it was not funded by the Millennium Commission.
- The Millennium Way long distance footpath was opened in 1979 to commemorate the millennium year of Tynwald.
- Many Sumerian (4th millennium BC – early 2nd millennium BC) cuneiform clay tablets record prescriptions for medicine.
- The site was active from circa 6th millennium BC to circa 4th millennium BC.
- The bulk of the collection was compiled in the Old Babylonian period (early 2nd millennium BC), with pre-canonical forerunner documents extending into the later 3rd millennium.
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