Translation for '
mistake' from English to Bulgarian
| NOUN | a mistake | mistakes |
| VERB | to mistake | mistook | mistaken mistaking | mistakes |
| SYNO | error | fault | misapprehension | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- Four carefree college students on holiday, Ramesh, Remo, Murugan and Seetharaman, mistake Kalyani for a call girl and rape her. Realising of their mistake, they hurriedly return to Chennai.
- The first mistake incurs a time penalty of two minutes, the second mistake four minutes, and each following mistake eight minutes.
- Another breakdown in contract law divides mistakes into four traditional categories: unilateral mistake, mutual mistake, mistranscription, and misunderstanding.
- An Ohnosecond (alternatively Onosecond) is the fraction of time before one realizes that they have made a crucial mistake after the mistake was made.
- Sandrart copied a mistake in Cornelis de Bie's "Het Gulden Cabinet" on Hendrick ter Brugghen whom De Bie has erroneously called "Verbrugghen".
- Will Prabhakar manage to rectify his mistake or people will have to sacrifice their lives for his mistake.
- Lord Simonds discussed why a mistake of law was different from a mistake of fact, because "ignorantia juris neminem excusat". He then continued on the question of receiving property.
- Mistake is another defense and can be a mistake of fact or a mistake of law.
- For mistake, it was held that the contract allocated risk of unknown sewers to the buyer (now rescission for common mistake on the grounds of equity is impossible unless the mistake is fundamental because of "The Great Peace").
- Workaholic attorney Samantha Sweeting has just done the unthinkable: she's made a huge mistake. A mistake so huge, it'll wreck any chance of a partnership.
- Common law jurisdictions identify three types of mistake in contract: common mistake, mutual mistake, and unilateral mistake.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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