Translation for '
mulled wine' from English to Bulgarian
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Usage Examples English
- It is also used in the French recipe of mulled wine, called "vin chaud" (hot wine).
- Fans drink Glühwein (mulled wine), wave candles around, light flares and sing a combination of Christmas carols and football chants.
- Mulled wine and ales infused with mulling spices are available in the UK in the winter months. Wassail punch is a warm mulled beer or cider drunk in winter in Victorian times.
- During Advent it's also common with "Glöggfester" mulled wine parties where friends visit each other's homes and drink mulled wine and have gingerbreads.
- They are also one of Sweden's largest producers of mulled wine ("Glögg").
- Jeffrey Henderson translated the word as a stew of "limpets and saltfish and sharksteak and dogfish and mullets and oddfish with savory pickle sauce and thrushes with blackbirds and various pigeons and roosters and pan-roasted wagtails and larks and nice chunks of hare marinated in mulled wine and all of it drizzled with honey and silphium and vinegar, oil and spices galore."
- Fans drink Glühwein (mulled wine), wave candles around, light flares and sing a combination of Christmas carols and football chants.
- For maximum flavor and aroma, as in mulled wine, zest is simply cut from the fruit with a knife.
- is a traditional German alcoholic drink for which a rum-soaked sugarloaf is set on fire and drips into mulled wine.
- The band has also been the first one, in 2004, to sell instant CDs of their live performances immediately after their end (which they dubbed "CD brulé", as they were 'burned' on the spot, like mulled wine, in Italian "vin brulé").
- The "Apfelwein" is heated and served with a cinnamon stick, possibly with cloves and a slice of orange, much like mulled wine.
- It is also commonly used in drinks such as mulled wine and eggnog, drunk during the festive season.
- Clear cinnamon-flavored alcoholic beverages generally test negative for coumarin, but if whole cassia bark is used to make mulled wine, then coumarin shows up at significant levels.
- Christmas market is held in the month of December in the Altstadt area with the highlight being mulled wine and bratwurst stalls.
- It is a Christmas-themed event where most classes get a stall and sell pancakes, mulled wine, and various trinkets.
- While mulled wine ("hõõgvein") was long known and popular in Estonia, Swedish-style glögg spread into Estonia only in the 1990s, after the country re-opened to outside influences following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
- Christmas dessert consists of prune jam tarts, gingerbread and rice porridge with plum kisel. The traditional dessert beverage is alcoholic or non-alcoholic mulled wine ("glögi" in Finnish).
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