 Translation for 'night' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN   a night | nights
SYNO dark | Night | night | ...
night {noun}нощ {ж}
2 Words
at night {adv}нощем
at night {adv}през ноща
night attack {noun}
нощна атака {ж}
night club {noun}нощен клуб {м}
night raid {noun}
нощна атака {ж}
unverified night shift {noun}нощно дежурство {ср}
night shift {noun}
нощна смяна {ж}
school night {noun} [Am.]
вечер {м} преди учебен ден
9 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Folklore has it that Lyderhorn was a gathering location for witches on Midsummer night, Valborg night (the night of May 1), and at Yule.
  • In cinematography, night-for-night filming is the practice of actually filming night scenes at night.
  • On August 4, 2017, the American Jam/Rock band Phish performed this song to open night 11 of their 13 night residency at Madison Square Garden named the Bakers Dozen.
  • Steve Bryant of "SoCal Uncensored" stated that the first night of the tournament was not "as good as last year’s night 1" while considering the second night a "letdown".
  • He had a supporting role on two late night talk shows: "Night After Night with Allan Havey" and Dennis Miller's short-lived show.

  • Night Act: Any sound, movement or trace taken from the players' behavior in the night phase is called the night act.
  • In 2018, Brandon began hosting nostalgia themed DJ nights such as Break Stuff: Nu Metal Night, Top 8: Myspace Night and Free Skate: Tony Hawk Pro Skater Night.
  • Since the first 626 Night Market event in 2012, a number of other night markets have emerged in Los Angeles and Orange County, including the KTOWN Night Market, the Little Saigon Night Market and the MPK Night Market.
  • "RedZone" is not on-air during Thursday night, Sunday night, Monday night, and any stand-alone Saturday night games, nor for NFL International Series games which are scheduled in an early Sunday morning timeslot.
  • Also, the 426th Night Fighter Squadron operated P-61 Black Widow night interceptor aircraft from the airfield, providing a night defense against Japanese fighter and bomber raids at night in the area, along with the B-29 bases before their move to the Marianas.

  • Night-flushing cools the house by increasing ventilation at night, when the outdoor air is cooler; windtowers can assist night flushing.
  • As of 2017, the four racing events are held over four consecutive nights, leading up to the Indy 500 on Sunday.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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