 Translation for 'outer' from English to Bulgarian
ADJ   outer | outermore [very rare] | outermost
NOUN   an outer | outers
outer {adj}външен
outer space {noun}
космос {ж}
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Translation for 'outer' from English to Bulgarian

outer {adj}

outer space {noun}
космос {ж}астрон.косм.
Usage Examples English
  • Virulence-related outer membrane proteins, or outer surface proteins (Osp) in some contexts, are expressed in the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria and are essential to bacterial survival within macrophages and for eukaryotic cell invasion.
  • "Coreopsis bigelovii" may be distinguished from "Coreopsis calliopsidea" by its linear outer phyllaries.
  • It includes the atmosphere and outer space. It may also be considered a place between the ground and outer space, thus distinct from outer space.
  • Variations of the labels include "inner loop" or "outer loop", "inner beltline" or "outer beltline", "inner ring" or "outer ring", "inner rail" or "outer rail", and "inner circle" or "outer circle".
  • Functions can be declared inside other functions, and access the outer function's local variables.

  • An eggshell is the outer covering of a hard-shelled egg and of some forms of eggs with soft outer coats.
  • Earthworks completed an outer ward. There was no barbican. A bridge across a neck ditch linked the inner and outer wards.
  • These follow the twilight language tradition of esoteric Buddhism in referring to secret, inner, outer and outer-outer classes of ḍākinīs.
  • This relation can be used both ways: given an outer automorphism, one can produce new representations (if the representation is not equal on conjugacy classes that are interchanged by the outer automorphism), and conversely, one can restrict possible outer automorphisms based on the character table.
  • The show is set on a fictional street in an "outer-outer borough" of New York City.

  • Another approach could be UNION ALL of left outer join and right outer join MINUS inner join.
  • An outer bailey or outer ward is the defended outer enclosure of a castle.
  • Use the JOIN operator to express a join between two or more input arrays. This operator supports multiple types of joins, including natural, left-outer, right-outer, and outer joins.
  • The snakes Vasuki and Kaarkotakan worshipped Lord Shiva there, hence the separate shrine for Tirunageswarar in the outer 3rd "prakaram" (outer courtyard).
  • The construction of the outer loop of [...] reveals its angle trisection properties.

  • Taguchi proposed extending each experiment with an "outer array" (possibly an orthogonal array); the "outer array" should simulate the random environment in which the product would function.
  • The outer parts are [...] wide terraces. Recent excavations revealed the outer layer of walls surrounding the temple, which cover a wider area.
  • The outer walls are also octagonal. They each measure approximately [...] wide and [...] high. The outer and inner octagon create a second, outer ambulatorium surrounding the inner one.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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