 Translation for 'participant' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN   a participant | participants
SYNO participant | player
participant {adj} [attr.]участващ
participant {noun}участник {м}
participant {noun} [female]участничка {ж}
3 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Rather than each participant creating their own card sort, only the first participant does a full card sort of organizing and arranging items.
  • However, when an event is proceeded by a lone participant, the semantic content of the event determines whether the participant is an executor or an experiencer.
  • Significantly, the Hebrew Bible’s definition of adultery and penalty for adultery does not apply to either participant if the female participant is unmarried, irrespective of the marital status of the male participant (he himself could be married or unmarried, it is irrelevant).
  • Arranca cebollitas is a game where participants form a line, with each one standing behind a fellow participant and holding that participant's waist.
  • Initially, those who are interested in participating in this contest enter their details, and after verifying the authenticity of the participant, the entrance exam begins.

  • A participant of the World Championship 2009, participant of the European Championship 2008, 2010, participant of the World University Games 2011.
  • Mina was the only female participant for Lebanon in that tournament among a total of 22 participant for Lebanon.
  • The bill would extend to any major swap participant or major security-based swap participant that is an uninsured U.S.
  • Pre-selection of participants is important for quality software crowdsourcing. In competitive crowdsourcing, a low-ranked participant should not compete against a high-ranked participant.
  • In order to qualify for a program, the participant must be 18 years of age or older.

  • The participant must then lean over and spin around with their forehead placed on the end of the bat for however long it took to finish chugging.
  • There are several benefits to doing participant observation.
  • The psychagogy of Ancient Greece, also known as maieutic psychagogy, involved Socrates (or another advanced teacher) helping a participant to give birth to realities from within the participant himself.
  • After reading a sentence, the participant repeats it. Following this repetition, the participant describes the picture.
  • Withdrawal from participating in biobank research is problematic for many reasons, including the fact that participant's data is often de-identified to grant research participant privacy.

  • Using this method involves a participant describing a design / product based on a list of 118 words.
  • PARTICIPANT "name" Display participant information.
  • The evolution of virtual collaborative learning systems will depend upon the participant's cognitive processes.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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