 Translation for 'perforation' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN1   a perforation | perforations
NOUN2   perforation | -
perforation {noun}перфорация {ж}
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Translation for 'perforation' from English to Bulgarian

perforation {noun}
перфорация {ж}
Usage Examples English
  • Modern day perforation methods involve the use of technology and machines.
  • There is a small risk of perforation during the myotomy.
  • Perforation: the incidence of sphincterotomy related perforation, also named Type 2 duodenal perforation, is between 0% and 1.8%.
  • Free air in the peritoneum indicates bowel perforation.
  • A 75-year-old patient died due to a rectal perforation caused by a mentally ill person using a cane.

  • Philately uses several tools, including stamp tongs (a specialized form of tweezers) to safely handle the stamps, a strong magnifying glass and a perforation gauge (odontometer) to measure the perforation gauge of the stamp.
  • Types include gastrointestinal perforation and uterine perforation.
  • He participated actively in the journal "Le Timbrophile" and invented the perforation gauge, or odontometer, which has become a basic tool in determining the perforation of stamps.
  • A perforation is a small hole in a thin material or web.
  • Genuine stamps were only issued with 11 [...] perforation. Forged stamps may have this or other perforation and also appear imperforate.

    © English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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