 Translation for 'pig' from English to Bulgarian
NOUN   a pig | pigs
VERB   to pig | pigged | pigged
pigging | pigs
SYNO bull | cop | copper | ...
pig {noun}свиня {ж}
pig {noun}прасе {ср}
2 translations
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Translation for 'pig' from English to Bulgarian

pig {noun}
свиня {ж}

прасе {ср}
Usage Examples English
  • Pig slaughter is an activity performed to obtain pig meat (pork). It regularly happens as part of traditional and intensive pig farming.
  • On 29 October 1986, Palmeiras fans adopted the pig as their mascot.
  • Human skin shares anatomical, physiological, biochemical and immunological properties with other mammalian lines, especially pig skin.
  • The Tillamook County Fair is world-famous for the annual Pig-N-Ford race where contestants have to catch a pig and race stripped Model T Fords around an oval track with the pig under one arm.
  • The Bornean bearded pig ("Sus barbatus"), also known as the Sunda bearded pig or simply bearded pig, is a species in the pig genus, "Sus".

  • The Meidam is a breed of domestic pig. It was bred in England from the Meishan pig, crossed with other breeds such as the Landrace pig. It is especially fecund because it has 16 teats.
  • Gwen-Pig: To fool the aliens who were after her Gwen dressed a pig up in her costume. The pig was later adopted by MegaTony and apparently insists on still wearing the costume.
  • Meanwhile, Big Sister Pig, Little Sister Pig, and Brother Pig are introduced building a straw house. The wolf comes along and blows it down. The pigs run away.
  • Pig tail, also referred to as pigtail and pork tail, are the tails from a pig used as a food ingredient in many cuisines. Pig tails can be smoked, fried, or roasted in barbecue sauce.
  • In 2022, the UHeart XenoHeart was used in the first pig heart to human transplant. The transplanted pig heart had ten genetic modifications to the pig genome.

    © English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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