Translation for '
pigeon' from English to Bulgarian
3 translations
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Usage Examples English
- Note that members of the lesser known pigeon genus "Petrophassa" and the speckled pigeon ("Columba guinea"), also have the common name “rock pigeon”.
- Along with its close and very similar-looking relatives the Victoria crowned pigeon, Sclater's crowned pigeon, and Scheepmaker's crowned pigeon, it is one of the largest members of the pigeon family.
- Pigeon fanciers often have their pigeon lofts in suitably modified garden sheds.
- The crested pigeon and the gannaway pigeon are superficially similar to the spinifex pigeon, as it is the only other Australian pigeon species with an erect crest, however the spinifex pigeon can be easily distinguished by its smaller size, rusty coloured plumage, distinctive facial markings and occurrence in desert habitats.
- Two pigeon species have been described. "Rupephaps" is a large fruit pigeon, possibly related to the modern "Hemiphaga" species. The Zealandian dove is similar to the Nicobar pigeon.
- The Bursa (Pigeon) is a breed of fancy pigeon. Bursa Pigeons, along with other varieties of domesticated pigeons, are all descendants from the rock pigeon ("Columba livia").
- This pigeon shared its habitat with the extinct laurel forest mountain pigeon, or black pigeon (...).
- "Turturoena", commonly called bronze-naped pigeon, is a pigeon subgenus comprising three species: the eastern bronze-naped pigeon, the western bronze-naped pigeon, and the São Tomé bronze-naped pigeon.
- The Lord Howe pigeon (sometimes white-throated pigeon), "Columba vitiensis godmanae", was a subspecies of the metallic pigeon which existed on Lord Howe Island. It became extinct in the 1850s.
- The Indian Fantail pigeon is a breed of fancy pigeon; it originated in India.
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